
Thursday, August 27, 2015

What you missed at Voodoo Alyssa E. Weisblatt/Captain Sayeh

Our adventurers were approached by a witch doctor who told them that things were happening on Independent Isle.  Voodoo Daddy had turned all the people who lived there into undead and was building an army, claiming that he was in charge of the island now.

… But some free willed undead knew the truth.

Our adventurers found out that many of them could not use their magic, so they had to find a talisman that was put up to null it.  The talisman was a black glittering skeleton named, Mike. Mike came to life after a while and made a deal.  If the adventurers offered him some entertainment, he’d give them their magic back.  So, with some conjured musical delight, everyone did their best to dance to “The Time Warp”.  Many were too shy, but others let loose and cut a rug!  In the end it was Baron Gherradynne of Fairhaven who was the best dancer and destroyed Mike the Skeleton’s bones freeing his spirit, and restoring the use of magic to the spell casters.

Then, it was time to build boats!  Rafts were maid to help everyone make it to Sapphire Isle where they would be able to complete the first tasks in weakening Voodoo Daddy…  But first… they would have to battle sea creatures of all shapes and sizes.  Swordfish, sharks, mermen,mermaids, it was rough sailing until they made it to shore and found a few undead who followed a voodoo priestess named, Minnie.  She told them, they would have to prove themselves and help her conjure three needles and find the parts to a voodoo doll she was making.  The tasks were to complete the challenges to test their minds, bodies, and souls.

Challenge of the Mind was to make five knots with pieces of rope.  Challenge of the Body was to fight with five different types of weapons.  Challenge of the Soul … well there was some more music.  This time Garharz lead everyone in singing “Minnie the Moocher” and to echo the chorus line.

Once the pins were conjured, everyone set out to find the pieces to make the voodoo doll. While being sewn together buy Fairhaven’s master seamstress, some good viking tunes began to play which lifted the spirits of our adventures … and in some cases also promoted wrestling matches in the ranks of the Northern Alliance between Axel and Kharne.  However, once the doll was complete, three were chosen best in their challenges to poke the doll with the needles. Once this task was complete, everyone got back on their rafts only to face a horrible kraken.  If their bow or stern was taken they would have to float back to the island, luckily everyone made it to the shores of Independent Isle.  First they faced Voodoo Daddy’s general, who told them they have no right to come to the island, when negotiations wouldn’t work, a hoard of undead came upon them.

Finally, when all seemed lost, Voodoo Daddy appeared and teased his sister, Minnie, about her vain attempts to restore the rightful order of things on the island.  Only one could challenge Voodoo Daddy for the right to Independent Isle.  Voodoo Daddy called for that hero to come forward.

There was a moment of stillness, before Captain Axel Nosetti stepped forward, and the challengers met face to face.

The first attempt to kill their enemy was in vain, there were still some ties that kept Voodoo Daddy bound to the land.  Thirteen bones were hidden in a hillside where our heroes scoured and searched.  Once the bones were found, they were attacked once more by the undead army. No one could complete the ritual because of the waves, and when all seemed lost, Minnie let loose her full on Voodoo Priestess Powers to drive the undead away.  She called upon the magic of the Realms this one time to help her raise the dead in a cry of life, and then proceeded to chant into the ground, “I am the Priestess of Voodoo, I call upon the power of this land to move these undead away!”

Axel Nosetti saw her need to make the chant stronger, and got the rest of the heros to chant with her.  As the chants continued, Minnie drove the army away, before getting Axel’s attention one last time before her magic was spent.

“These Bone’s Hold no Ties! I own this Land!”  Axel Cried out, and the challenge to fight was once again made… and this time the captain did not fail!

Defeated, Voodoo Daddy, tried to cut off the hero’s only escape off the island and bargained them for their souls.  Many turned him down, some fought others to protect their friends.  In the end, Loken of the Northern Alliance stepped forward and within moments, Voodoo Daddy was laid to waste.

The voodoo priestess, Minnie then took Axel, and with the aid of his countrymen, mixed his body into the soil and called upon his god to raise him up as the Baron of Independent Isle.