
Friday, September 4, 2015

Horoscopes - Summer/ Autumn by Iawen Penn

A long time ago, the races of the Realms looked into the stars and wondered "What if?", never realizing that in some places, in some planes, those very stars were looking right back at us, wondering the same thing.  There's a lot the stars can tell us, if only we show a humble want for knowledge.

In recent years, a man visited the Realms who was not a man at all, but a fallen star who took on a human persona as Hesperus Star-keeper. As it is, a Star Person named Orion still walks with us from time to time. Both have names, both have houses, both have a purpose and a drive.

And, if you're willing to listen to the what the stars have to say, you might just find yours, too.

These are thoughts on how your Summer, heading into Autumn, might be turning out.

House of:

 It might seem crazy, singing for your team. Or performing in general, whether or not you're off-key. The point is, you're sincere, dammit! SINCERE. You just OOZE SINCERITY. And, well, yes: a lot of sarcasm, too.  This is due to the fact that there have been a lot of shake-ups and change-ups that you personally haven't been too happy with in these here Realms, but now wasn't the best time to say something. Unfortunately, there is a prediction that you might explode once the Autumn starts to run, but the Stars don't say if that's literally or figuratively. Your best bet? Find your trusted allies and just unload all your stress on them. Yes, that might sound dirty to some, but you'll flat anyone who dares to say it to your face.

For shame and for Whisper's sake, there are some secrets that should be safe, but some that should be shared. Becoming a Lord of Hell? Yeah, you should let your paladin buddies know that. The fact that you're actually a dopple-ganger?  Ennnnnh... The fact that your family comes from a long line of little bunny-foo-foo murdering? Yeah, keep that one to yourself. The point is: watch your mouth. Autumn isn't that far away and the wrong bull-headed words from you could find yourself lonely during the Day of the Dead until the Yule Log is practically lit on fire.  Not a threat, you have enough of those already.

 Okay. You're ready. You charged up, and although you still feel at unease, the support line is where you're most likely going to be, and you're okay with that.  Wear all the protective gear you'll need, though, and don't let others talk you out of it. You'll be the one with working eyes, wrists, and knees while they limp off the field. You'll be the one of sound mind and straight conversation while they mewl for lack of water and knowledge (and don't get mad if they refuse yours. Even if you give sincerely, expect some unfair lash back and cutting vibes from the uneducated and the listless).  Your soul will be tethered to your will, and so long as you don't succumb to social pressure, you're going to walk into Autumn one of the strongest people you know. And you definitely know it's not all about weight.

This will be a very trying time for you going into Autumn, because for once you'll feel like you're questing solo (even when surrounded by the whole army on the field).  A bit scared at times, the Stars say that it might be best for you do some of the things you hate most: lay low and self-reflection. It's a suggestion, but a strong one: really look into those spells and that weaponry.  Check the dual nature of each one; everything and anything can be turned on its head. Make sure you don't lose yours, and you'll be spooked come the Black & White... but okay.

There is unusual references to the Light, Sun, Aurora, and more in the fading daylight hours for you.  You'll start to see the symbols, the signs everywhere.  Do not be afraid, but be wary.  You have to get tough and deal with your past before the Light does it for you, shining down in such a public way that you might be scrutinized.  If you have a romance blossoming, now's the time to 'fess up to That Time You Did That Thing with That Troll.  Ah, those good old Highbridge days...

You saved what water and knowledge you could, but due to your nature you've been completely absent-minded in tending it.  Knowledge, like water, that isn't used grows stagnant in a person's mind, their heart, and even possibly their soul.  Your pathways need some healing before you're ready for Autumn, but don't worry, you'll do alright. Get your buddies to Beckon the Corpses off your fields, as it were, so the rot and corruption doesn't seep within.

If only, if only, if only you weren't lonely. Look on ahead to the Rattling Bog, the Spirited Fences, the Barrier Reef.  Look to the gems hidden under the water, the rocks, the rookery, the spires.  Look for the clear-cut moments in which your scales shine brightest, and then with a swish of your tail, be gone!  Remember, remember, what sits in the timbers. Ignore all the trees and take care of your temper.

On the front line, you've protected your pack and soon in Rhiassa everyone shall see that you mean business no matter what side of the line you fall on. A simple growl will do in some directions, a mighty roar will be needed in others, and for the real fool-hardy a cuff on the back of the neck. Let 'em try to call throat to THAT, the rhinos.  Don't forget, though, you have to walk your walk as much as you talk it. If something challenges you to a throw-down, stand your ground and claw them if necessary. Oddly enough, the Stars are favoring anyone attempting Florentine for the rest of the Summer season. That's pretty random.

You have weighed the Summer and found it wanting (to your personal tastes), and as such have looked to other ideas, beliefs, entertainment even. You might have even already tried gambling oddly (no, not for gold), but it just didn't sit right, it didn't fit for you.  Coming into the end of Summer, you're bouncing around from place to place, attempting to find where you can be Served the most (and not Serve so much yourself). Autumn will have you settling down, but not until after the tournaments are all but done.

 If you're religious, you might be questioning your Life choices after this weekend. Are you a Necromancer that's secretly always wanted to embrace a different kind of Death? A shaman who can't figure out why it always needs to be some man-sized bear or bird or bee or whatever Gaia has in store? A seer who is just throwing their hands up in the air (and you'd wave them around like you just don't care, but you do. Too much, in fact.), crying "Whisper save me, I'm going MAD.  Gray Man, just friggin' ferry me already!"  Don't despair, and get your stinger away from your bicep; this is just a rough patch. It sucks, I know, but this bit of centered thought will help you quietly yet gracefully step into your time in Autumn: Things can be black and white, but not all things. You are not perfect, but you are by no means a failure, either, just for living*.
*Undead people, I don't know what to tell you.

Your aim was all over the place this Summer, and it's taken all you've got to bring it back in line just enough to finally hit some targets. This is a good thing, though. In fact, both were. You got to travel to new and exciting places, learn about cultures, customs, and rituals you never thought you'd ever glimpse, and pretty much have an all-around exciting time, especially when raising a glass to Min. Twenty-five years... where did the time go?  Well, I'll tell you: to a little place up the coast. And in Eagle's Rook. And in Chimeron. And over the Western Mountains. And in the Southern Wastes. And in Folkestone. And in...

 While others' adventures told by the fire-side were nice, they were certainly not impressive. This time around you've done it bigger, dare I say it badder, and in general you've been the most impressive thing to hit the field. That said, not once did you cast your own Interventions about it; you were perfectly content to let others point out how awesome you were riding that beast, or tackling that problem, or making mockery of that villain.  In fact, you've been quieter than normal and thus allowing your actions to also speak for you when no one else has piped up. Good on you. This will allow you to have the ear of many an influential person coming into the Autumn season, and as such it is up to you to use your skills for Good, for Bad, or for Awesome.