
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

What You Missed: Artisans' Summer Fling

by James "Sir Tao" Murphy

Saturday started off a little slow but, one of the first things we learned about was clay stamping. Using a hand-held mold, the clay is rolled in balls, pushed into the mold, and then stamped against the clay block to get it out; sometimes it was not easy. We learned some interesting techniques for getting the figure out of the mold, and to trim off excess after it has dried a bit.

Unfortunately it was not possible to run any of the other scheduled classes. So we made do. Poker dealing became a class, spell construction, cooking more than meat on grills and a good time was had.

The evening capped off with a poker tournament that Sir K won. (More on that in a different post)

It was a fun relaxed weekend.