
Friday, September 11, 2015

What You Missed: Feast of Folkestone by Michael "Swoop" Zajac

                Let me tell you, ole’ Folkestone sure knows how to throw a good event. The feast Friday night was no exception. As one might hope, the food was top notch. A special shout-out to the lasagna dish, of which I consumed  my entire body weight in (probably one of the most challenging encounters for Swoop all weekend). But to be clear everything was delicious and there was plenty of it. A fun diversion between courses was also offered, with each table sending up representatives to partake in games of wit  for the right to be the first table served, which seems like a fun idea for future feasts. Some of them were even educational, yay learning!

                The next event of note later in the evening was the auction. Many event admissions and commissions were auctioned off, each bringing a hefty amount of gold. Seriously where is everyone getting all of this gold from? People were throwing around 100 gold like it was pocket change, and here I am with a shiny Rhiassan nickel. But ah, I digress.

                Most of the late evening for me was spent away from the feast hall and into the monster arena. Gau Dring was present with their big game hunter excursions which were an absolute blast. This was my first encounter going into the pit and it was a refreshing change of pace from many other encounters in the realms. I believe a new encounter was unveiled and while I won’t spoil anything, take a piece of advice from Swoop and his monster slaying dream team: keep track of where you put things, especially when its dark. Overall, awesome food, great diversions and entertaining encounters. Sad to see it all went to Hell the next day.