
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

What You Missed - Feast of Autumn's Twilight V

 This Sunday past marked the fifth running of Veros and Faelinn's traditional fall feast. The menu is something to look forward to every year -- the dishes are often classics associated with the season, hearty and filling, but they always have a personal touch or unique spin that makes them intriguing and, if possible, even more delicious. This is an accomplished feast-holding pair, backed by an accomplished staff, and the effort and dedication they put into the planning and execution of the feast always guarantees a good time. 
[Editor's note: photos by Jason Gray]

The menu!

Second Course - minestrone soup!

Fourth course - the pork loin

Gathered in the hall

Relaxing and socializing

Deep into a game

The kitchen staff is hard at work

Insert your funny caption here!