
Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year or, the year in review!

As this year of 2015 comes to a close and people look forward to the future and the promise of the new year to come, it helps for us to take a moment to look back and reflect upon the year that has passed, both to see where we had started and to mark how far we have come. This year at the View from Valehaven has been a good one, thanks to the efforts of both the staff and the community. It was not without change however, as this year saw one of our core editors step down to a contributor position, a person whom we had nick-named "Boss Lady" due to her experienced and guiding hand and unwavering dedication to the View. It is so hard to give up something that one has put so much of oneself into, a difficult decision to make that comes only after deep personal thought and reflection. To Angie "Phoenix" Gray, we would like to extend out most heartfelt thanks for all that you have done during your time at the View. We will always consider you as part of the "staff" and we wish you only the best as you set your sights and your energy on your current and future endeavors. Thank you again for everything.

The View from Valehaven staff would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who took the time this year to contribute material to the View, be it photos, articles, interviews, drawings, and everything in between. This year we published over 390 posts! 2015 saw the debut of our new comic series, An Atypical View, penned by the mysterious Silent Scribbler, and the debut of Sir Tao's Stacked Deck updates, as well as the return of the ever-popular Ask Syruss series. Also continuing were Fresh Faces and Ten Questions. Next year, you can look forward to Season Two of An Atypical View, as well as all-new editions of Ask Syruss, 10 Questions, and Fresh Faces, as well as the classic What You Missed features. Should be a good year to come!

Thank you again to everyone. This publication is run as a service and a forum for the Realms community and would not exist without the support of that community, and we are grateful to all of our contributers. As always, we are looking for submissions for the coming year, so if you were thinking about writing something for us this year but didn't get around to it, make it a resolution for 2016. =)