
Thursday, May 26, 2016

A Cautionary Tale, from Neden

ToC of the Town
"The birth of a nickname"
By Editor in Chief of the Kazoo, Dresden "PB" Silverspring

Well it’s that time of year again… Creathorne lands are holding their annual tournaments, and this Editor in Chief of the Kazoo could not be more excited to go. I’ve got lists upon lists of what I need to bring to make it a weekend that will be hard to forget (though some manage it). I always look forward to seeing familiar faces, and reconnecting with those that adventure in far away lands. This will be my third ToC and I can tell you thus far in my experience I have learned:

Be prepared.
Extra socks/clothes/shoes
Rain stuff (ponchos/waterproof bag)
Food that stays good besides peanut butter (jerky/canned/crackers etc)
Money for the store
Don’t forget sleeping stuff
Drink water, so much water.
Try to drink as much water as you are alcohol or  at least 1 to 2 ratio.
Sweating dehydrates you, so if you are active you should be having one bottle per hour of activity, and one within 30 minutes after you're finished
Pace yourself. You definitely want to hit the night quest
Seriously,  did I mention the water?
Bring more than a jar of peanut butter for the whole weekend.
Indeed some of you may recall this Editor in Chief of the Kazoo often going by the moniker of “PB,” or “Peanut Butter.” The origin of this nickname is steeped in mystery and intrigue (well not really). I brought a jar of peanut butter (a giant one) and a spoon to my first ToC. That’s it. Gold wasn’t as plentiful and I was still petitioning The Illustrious Nation of Neden, and it being my first ToC I imagined there would be plenty of water and food available. I’m sure there was, but also being green to the gills, it wasn’t easy to approach anyone regarding this grievous error in my judgement. Luckily Neden came to the rescue with plenty of food, water and non-peanut foodstuffs; they went above and beyond to welcome a then-new recruit.

So this Editor in Chief of the Kazoo is delivering a Public Service Announcement to all those new adventurer readers who are traveling to Creathorne lands at week's end:

Don’t be like Peanut Butter.