
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Behind the Scenes: Feast of Chimeron

 [Editor's note: all photos by Ryan Welch except otherwise noted: (*) taken by Sam Teatum; (#) taken by Steve Sanford. All captions by Ryan Welch]

Construction begins on the beacons

Tangram assembly

Many crafting supplies

Laying out plastic to make the walls of the beacons

Pat calculates the dimensions of the siding

Fitting sides on the beacons

Cutting indicator ports into the beacon sides

Inside the beacon

Interior structure of the beacon assembly

Cutting out the door flap

Beacon frames wrapped in plastic...definitely not a body...

Making door shields for NPCs #

New NPC weapons #

Advanced Zaubermelds under construction #

Assembling the royal throne

Assembling the communication devices

Getting some much-needed help*

Hard at work*

Assembling some of the beacon core puzzles*

Organizing props for The Questening

A peek into the kitchen

Hard at work in the kitchen

Our NPC's are always ready to fight!

Scary monsters!

Setting up for the next module in the NPC hut