
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Creathorne Spring Clean-Up 2017

By Andrew "Sir Shean" Disbrow

So what all happened? Well about 25 people from all over Realms showed up, it is a requirement for people who use my property to attend spring and fall cleanups or have a body proxy who can/will work on site for those two days... IF they do not then it is an extra $100 per head per event of EH’s…

But many people who are not EH’s using the property showed up and busted ass… Eric Marques showed up with an excavator, did some projects that campsites needed done, popped some small stumps, leveled some areas. Huge thing was we dug a huge moat to the tavern from my garage to run new power lines and water... So now we have water at the sink by the port-a-potties, the sink at the trees and at the tavern to fill the big water jugs. We are still trying to figure out a cold shower situation for people, that will be near the port-a-potties…if we can get on it next weekend…

A bunch of groups worked on site and their camp sites: Gau Dring worked on their camping area and their fire-pit; Invictus, Grimloch, and NA worked on their camping areas. Folkestone put in a bench and worked on their area and I think also worked on Blackwood's a little too…

After all the lines were put in the moat came the back-filling and root-pulling, so many roots… So much raking done, so much needs to be done.

Sunday: raining, (Rubarb) Liam was still working on the site's fire-pit, Brad Kendal and I were working on big tent stuff in the tavern and making candles on the wood stove. Liam came back in and helped inside with the stuff we needed to do so all the ropes and poles for the second big tent are made. I just have to repair the old big tent top and tents are done.

We will have another cleanup next weekend for the people still working on projects - see people then or at TOC 24!

 (photos courtesy of Andy Disbrow)