
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Why I Want To Go: Keep Calm and Fete On!

by Jessica "Hope" Osio

Finally the really Good Weather is upon us (It is a damp site, but not because it's been raining lately!) and it's time to really kick into all the summer has to offer and KC&FO attempts to provide it all! A Friday night Night Quest thrown by Our Veteran Sean V. of Fae Plot will get things started in off in a proper realms-welcome! Were you paying attention at FoC? There may have been a hint or two of what was to come...

Then Saturday we will have many "tournaments" and games of contest. But FEAR NOT! This is not "another tournament" by far! For those who must truly whet thier swords there will be a bear pit and a few of the great games are modified grand melee's; but for the rest of us.. uh, cultured folk there are Games of chance, dexterity, wit and Culture! Board games, carnival games, the Chimeron Casino, Timed Cryptology contests, Story-writing contests, a SEWING contest where you will make your own new familiar friend to take home! As well as foot races, trivia, and everything from dragon tag to capture the "flag." You can check our event amouncement for a link to a full description of the games!

The evening wraps up with a light-the-night-bardic, the drawing of prizes from the ticket auction, and our own Princess Brynn teaching us the graces of dancing like she does each year at the Black & White! And just in case that wasn't enough, Sunday will be crowned with a few championship matches for yet more prizes between yesterday's top competitors as well as the brand new and never before attempted UNSAFE COMBAT BARDIC! I suspect it will be quite the show! 

So come, kick back, relax, drink and be merry we have something for everyone!