
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

I Can't Even

I Can't Even
Sara 'Zarine' Jessop 
A Little Advice 

So, in light of the fact that clearly everyone in the world hates each other, I really can't even this week. I'm pretty exhausted from people in general. They all suck, and they all act like petulant children. Everyone I have come into contact with in the last week has been rude, annoying, and awful.

So here is some advice from some people who once went on a rather fabulous adventure: Be excellent to each other.

Seriously dudes, it's not that hard. My mother didn't teach me much other than how not to live my life, but she did once tell me that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. I prefer the 'if you don't have anything nice to say, come sit next to me', but tearing apart someone's outfit choices and table manners is totally different than picking on someone's sexual orientation, race, or religion. Even I don't go there, and I'm pretty much known to be a harsh and basic bitch with no filter. Someone didn't choose to be born an elf, like you chose to wear those shoes with that purse. And stop being an arse to service people. We are not your personal punching bags to take your frustrations out on. That's what spouses are for. 

So put your hatred for things that don't matter aside, and focus them back where they belong: on bad fashion, terrible manners, distasteful person hygiene, and dinnerware that doesn't match.

See you next Tuesday.

Zarine is the proprietor and Madam at Alchimia Lupanar, a magic marshal approved practitioner of medicine, an award winning author, and has 36 years of experience in giving her unsolicited opinion.