
Thursday, August 17, 2017

Spotlight on: Garb Tournament from QoH XXIV

[Editor's Note: all photos by View Staff]
Team Iste
 - Jen Cloutier (Vandoria)

Overview from top

Lacing and trim detail

Trim and panel detail

Side lacing on sleeves and bodice

Runes made of small beads

Team Jack
- Zack Reynolds (Dygen)

A note from Dygen: I found this cloak while explotring ancient ruins in previously inaccessible lands within Grimloch territory. The cloak belonged to a long-forgotten warrior Gulric, the Earl of Ravenmire (currently known as Blood Loch). In Gulric's tomb we found this cloak, which he had previously adorned in battle. Magic once flowed through the cloak, but centuries have left it nearly powerless. However, the cloak does still contain enough magic to serve as a proper amored cloak, so that is what we have decided to use it for. In the tomb, we found runes, which we later deciphered and would use on our current tabards. The same runes can be found on the cloak.

OOC: this cloak is made of linen and is hand-dyed. The cloak was weathered using dye, fire, mud, and shredding. [Editor's note: this write-up was submitted with the cloak for judging]

Runes adorne the coak

Ragged edge detail

Darker coloring on the edges

Team Saegan 
 - Eren Pils-Martin (Tazzia)

I started off thinking about the kind of coverage I wanted from the armored cloak, as well as the elements I wanted to incorporate into it. I knew early on in the process that I wanted to include the hidden pockets, and to have it be reversible, because it's fun, so why not? I decided that a modified version of my split front tabard design would work well, and provide the coverage I wanted. 

I decided to have the hood detach so that you didn't have the bulk there when you didn't feel like wearing it. The side panels were a later addition to increase side coverage, and were originally going to lace on, but at the last minute I decided I liked the idea of snaps better. In creating the piece, I got elements from all over. The green fabric actually started life as a curtain I got at goodwill. I loved how it looked and felt, and it was the perfect color! The blue was discount fabric from Walmart. The trim was some fabulous ribbon I picked up in bulk years ago that has been waiting for the perfect project! The pocket trim was ribbon and edging scraps that I had. 

I'm pretty excited about how amazingly it came together from a very conservative budget, and it shows you don't need huge amounts of cash to put together some really neat garb! Thank you again for all the positive feedback from the committee. I really enjoyed this experience! - Erin Pils-Martin

Trim detail

The complete piece including shoulder bag

Rube ribbon and detachable side snap panels

Cloak is reversible with a blue underside

Hood zippers on and off