
Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Sword of Kings

The Sword of Kings
Provided by, Janna "Iaween Penn" Oakfellow Pushee
Author Unknown, spelling as originally presented in the document

    Long, long ago there was a goddess of honor and valor named Aurora, and she spread her influence throughout the lands. However, there came a time when these great attributes were not so common. There were few men who deserved to be her followers, but throughout this time there was one man who's deeds shined through the darkness. King James was an honorable, just and valiant king, who ruled firmly but fairly and exceeded Aurora's standards in every way.

    "This man deserves a gift," she said. And so, speaking through an oracle, she told him of a magic sword hidden deep in the depths of an old dungeon. "You may have the sword if you survive the quest," she told him. She wanted him to prove himself.  She observed him as he fought his way to the core of the dungeon and in the face of certain death, James performed calmly and boldly. When he reached the final chamber he faced the mighty dragon known as Strathmore. The two acknowledged each other before engaging in a long bloody battle. Both combatants were mighty, but James' skill prevailed. Disappearing in a puff of smoke, Strathmore vowed to get revenge.

    As James collected the sword Aurora appeared to him "You have founf the Sword of Kings. You deserve it, for it is a sword of honor. In addition, I grant you immortality in order to insure the security of the sword. Your body will not live forever but you will. You will grow old and die and be reincarnated one year from your death only to grow old again and repeat the process. This cylce will continue for as long as your soul wishes.

    King James returned home and informed his knights and people that he completed his quest, and protecting the sword would now be part of their duty. Years went by and upon his death bed James called his knght commander to his chambers.  There he told him of his gift of immortality and that in a year's time he would contact the knight. He presented his sword to the knight and asked him to bear it until his return.

    This cylce went on for genernations until it happened that the king returned to find all his knights dead, save one, the one with the sword. His land had been split and conquered. So the reincarnated king and the last knight traveled alone looking to find worthy people to knight in an effort to retake and return honor to the dying land. However, before he could carry out his plan into effect, they found themselves being attacked in the wilderness.  The battle left the remaining knight dead and the king mortallly wounded.

    James spent his life's last efforts continuing onward through the woods. Knowing he was going to die, he realized he must place the sword in someone's care until he could return. At this time, Randal the Light was wandering aimlessly, yet with a point, when he happened upon the dying James.

    "You there," said James, "you are my last hope, so I must trust you. Take this, it is a magic sword. Use it to continue an order of knights called the Knights of the Crown. They should be people of true honor and valor in order to be worthy. Give the sword to the first person you knight, and ask him to weild it in my place." James coughed, fell to the ground, and died. Randal prepared a burial for him and turned his attention to the sword. Packing it away he, wondered which way he came from or if he was coming or going. Not being able to decide, he chose to return home to Shadowhawk....if he could only remember the way.