
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

What You Missed - Rhiassa Presents: Queen of Hearts XXIV (photos)

Part of Team Jack (View Staff)

Queen Piper (photo by Jesse Gifford)

Team Iste (View Staff)

Team Saegan (View Staff)

Warning: Mages at Work (photo by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee)

Live Chess (photo by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee)

Couples Tournament (photo by Steve Nelson)

Sword and Marn (photo by Steve Nelson)

Facing off during Targetball (View Staff)

The Face of Steel deflects balls from the target (View Staff)

Mages Tourney (View Staff)

Piper v. Iste, Castle Battles (View Staff)

Team Iste fends off the attacking Team Jack (View Staff)

Water Missile Melee (View Staff)

Winding up for the throw (View Staff)

K and Jinx in the Cleaved tourney

Challenge Race (View Staff)

Team Saegan works through the Challenge Race (View Staff)

5-Man (photo by Jesse Gifford)

Queen's War (photo by Jesse Gifford)

Queen's War (photo by Jesse Gifford)

Rubis gets some air (photo by Jesse Gifford)