
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Ask the Editors

Ask the Editors 
The Editors
Episode 17

Well, hello again. Thanks for coming back week after week and reading. This weeks question comes to us via email and is just for the ladies:

"Because of the mark the Realms community has left on you, what skill or skills have you improved in that crossed over into your Real Life? For example: any first aid, or public-speaking?"


Of course this could have applied to the guys as well, but the questioner was just asking the ladies, so let's hear what they have to say:

First up, Lani 'Gwen' Grayson:

“So this might be a chicken or the egg story in terms of which came first, but I can think of several things that I’ve gotten better at over the past decade that I’ve had plenty of time to practice in the Realms. My ability to sew has improved greatly. One of the greatest markers of this is looking back on the first belt favors I made for the Event Which Not Be Named series and comparing them to the ones I created for the final installment. I couldn’t stitch in a straight line and the ends were raggedy and unhemmed. In that time I practiced and got a lot better, and also invested in some necessary equipment to get the job done in a far more presentable way. The same goes for my cooking--I was once able to to spectacularly ruin Hamburger Helper, and now, I feel as though I can tackle most things in the kitchen if I just put my mind to it. But I’ve also worked on a lot of so-called “soft skills” during my years in Realms.

For example, I was always fairly shy and embarrassed to be in front of a group of people. Through Jason’s nudging, I was able to run UConn practice for a semester, marshal the war maneuver fields at Queen of Hearts, and run the Leviathan kitchen. These skills have helped me in front of a classroom of students and in meetings where I need to make my voice heard. In addition, I have had ample opportunity to practice organizing and planning events and now approach problems with a much more logical approach (which isn’t necessarily in my nature). And one skill that I think I’ve always had because I’m a very forgetful person, but have definitely sharpened through Realms is my ability to come up with a “Plan B”. Over my Realms career I’ve had plenty of practice staying calm when things don’t go right and immediately trying to come up with a new plan, and now I’m very confident in my ability to accomplish my goals even if there are setbacks.”

Thank you Lani!

Next up, Diana 'Kiira' LaPierre:

“I have become quite resourceful and skilled from my time in the Realms. I have always had a basic grasp on sewing and crafting since I was younger, but I have really been able to hone my skills from LARPing. Now, I'm pretty confident in sewing most things, even curtains, household items, Halloween costumes, bags, and so forth. Also, my ability to use tape efficiently has helped me out on countless problems.

Something else I've gained from Realms is confidence. Confidence in speaking publicly, confidence in problem solving, and confidence in my decision making skills. I can speak in front of people with little to no issue after singing in front of dozens of people on several occasions. I can even organize groups of people and lead teams in my professional life.

Finally, after being on staff in several kitchens, I've learned how not to panic. I can keep calm under most situations, even at work when a crisis occurs.

Overall, I feel like Realms has turned me into a well rounded individual.”

Thanks Diana!

And last, we hear from Sara 'Zarine' Jessop”

“As Realms has been a big part of my life for many years, I am sure there are a lot of things that the game has really helped me with what I do not even realize. But there are a few things that I can attribute more directly to the realms. One of these is my skills as a writer. I have always enjoyed writing and doing it for fun, but I have never done it with the added pressure of having a deadline and then having people actually read it. My vocabulary has improved immensely through a fear of using the same word repeatedly and making use of a thesaurus on the regular. I've also learned a lot about fashion and etiquette, though I feel I knew a lot before I definitely know a lot more now through putting in the research for my articles. Zarine is far more concerned with these things than Sara is, so I really make sure to be accurate, and as such it has also improved my research skills.

Confidence is another thing that I have gained from many places by Realms is definitely one of them. I have always been a social person when I want to be, but I have also always been a bit shy and awkward. I have always depended a lot on my friends and family to make new friends for me. I have learned while it is not necessarily a bad thing to make friends through others, it's also important to be able to do it on your own, and I feel like I have grown in that aspect. I'm less shy and uncomfortable in new situations than I used to be, and I am far more confident when going into situations on my own as well. 

Again, I am sure there are lots of other skills that I have improved upon due to my time in the Realms, but these were the most important and obvious to me.”

Thanks Sara.

So there you have it. Us ladies have developed a lot of skills within the game that have transferred to real world importance. Whether they be physical, mental, or emotional skills we have the realms and it's community to thank for nurturing us and helping us grow. I am sure that if we ask the gentlemen of the realms that they have very similar stories as well. So go forth, and continue to learn and grow!

Thank you for reading. Join us next time when we have a question just for the boys! "What sort of diet and exercise routine do you keep on in order to keep your characters' svelte looks?"

Questions can be sent to Sara “Zarine” Jessop via email (, facebook messenger, or in person. The question box will also be making the rounds at various events. Please note if you'd like your question to remain anonymous and/or if you would like to address specific editors