
Friday, November 24, 2017

Question of the Week and Responses

Question of the Week, Week 2

Thank you everyone who responded to our first Question of the Week! We'd like to share everyone's responses with you below!

Below that, the question for this week appears. Please take a moment and respond. The more community involvement we have with this feature the more fun the results are to read!

The question answered below was: What is the most important thing your character has ever owned?

A Casino(New Eden Casino) A Bar and Brothel (Rohde and Syruss's Hump House and Bar)  A Pirate Ship (The Hand of God) but I guess the most important would be White Coast City where I founded the church of Dark Haven.

Orion Mars
My tabard

Sir Therian
My soul

Templar Belt from the Church of Vandor.

Jericho Axelthorne
His heraldry

Squires belt to King Sir Pyr

A lot of people probably think the answer is my Banana weapon. However I carry a lot of small trinkets in my from quests over the years, honestly all of them are very important to me.

A wish from the hidden order that used to save Rel

The Spider
Unicorn blood( always looking for more)

One of my old characters' masks. It allowed him to find out more about him and how they're connected. Thus finalizing their character progression.

A necklace from my brother.

A pair of rings I carried around until I suddenly needed to make a wedding happen.

His familiar

Nothing stands out

My Tabard

And now our question for this coming week! Please answer right away!