
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

An Amateur’s Guide to Healing like a Pro 2

An Amateur’s Guide to Healing like a Pro

(part 2)

By Gerry Chartier

The Alchemist Path

Not all of the Alchemy Path is relevant to the topic of healing, so I’m just going to cover the spells that are.

3rd Circle: Potion of Heal Limb

This spell is barely worth mentioning.  As a 3rd Circle slot, the caster could simply buy down for Heal Limb and get unlimited uses, instead of having limited uses of creating 1-shot potions that have the same effect.  It’s also a prime buy down slot for Repair Item, which I’ll get back to later.

4th Circle: Potion of Combat Raise Dead, Potion of Animate Lesser Undead

For some reason, Alchemists get access to Combat Raise before Healers do.  One less casting for sure, but with the added utility that the caster can prepare the potions ahead of time, allowing them to be used by someone else.  The caster doesn’t even have to be present or even alive in order for them to function.  

There’s also Potion of Animate Lesser Undead, which might be handy to some people, but generally speaking…meh.

6th Circle: Create Potion

Create Potion is a utility spell that allows the caster to create a number of different effects, including Cure Disease, Call the Soul, and another dead-raising mechanic.  Generally speaking, I don’t think it’s vital to any of the major healing builds, and it uses a valuable slot, but it can be worth having in the back pocket, in case unexpected situations arise.

7th Circle: Power Potion

Though not strictly speaking a healing spell, it does become a multiplier, because it grants a reset of one whole path of spells, up to 6th circle.  So, with this spell, a Healer can regain all expended castings of all their Healing spells, minus Cry of Life.