
Friday, December 1, 2017

Question of the Week and Reponses

Question of the Week #2 Responses and Question of the Week #3

Hello all. We suspect many of you weren't in front of your computers on Friday with a day off and Black Friday shopping to do, but we did get a few good responses to our last question of the week. Check them out below then scroll down to answer this week's question!

The question for this past week was: What is your character most thankful for?

My Nation and Lessons learned from it.
Friendship. Without it, life would be a far more lonely place.

Sir Tao Ya Kang
A Working Economy.

Sir Shean O'Quinnlin
That the majority of my arrows hit what they are aimed at, The Good people around me, and  the plentiful feast.

The creation of Milites Et Civi Invicti because it has supplied me with a chance to be a part of something bigger.

Jericho Axelthorne
The support of his nation members
Tao taking her in rather than kicking her out.

And now your third Question of the Week. We're really interested to see what people say for festive query: