
Friday, December 15, 2017

Question of the Week and Responses

Question of the Week, Week #4

Hello all! Below you will find the plethora of responses we got to last week's question! You're all clearly fans of our woodland friends and want to show it through your effusive descriptions of why they're meaningful to you! After reading these responses be sure to answer our next question, below!

The question answered here was "What type of animal is most meaningful to your character and why?"

The Falcon, it is a symbol of my early years adventuring in the game and long lasting friendships that transcend nations and knighthoods.

The Fox, Kyara has a dagger to my back send help

Kyara Silverfang
Foxes because, well, yes?

Tao Ya Kang
None, they are all pretty tasty

Duke Syruss O'Leary
I have a fondness for bunnies....BECAUSE I HAVE A SOUL

Sir Shean O'Quinnlin
A bear, well they hibernate in the winter,  I like to sleep when i can.  They like to eat, I like good food. When they are angered, they destroy stuff, I like to destroy stuff... And when relaxed they can be very warm even if it is just their hide that is left over... I like being warm. I  also like their strength and courage and their capability of healing wounds fast :)

The Whale! It's my familiar and it was my first word

Jericho Axelthorne
I would have to say a fox, as that is represented by his heraldry

Ponies.  They're so cute!

Snake dogs (Snogs). Because.

Snakes are special to me because they are the symbol of the people of Zimeya, an awesome group of people who helped guide me when i first came to the Realms

The Skrunk. But also, manatees? The Skrunkatee.

It's a close call between snakes and lions, being a Rhiassan who worships snake gods (and has several pet snakes).

All animals are the best but turtles have a special place in my heart unlike snakes which we all know are terrible.

Cronin the Barbarian
The Bull. Cronin can be stubborn and untrusting of new situations. He is rarely idle between combat encounters and can often be seen pacing back and forth like a bull. He also often decorates his armor and clothing with bull symbols as they are a sacred totem of his people and a boon to warriors and cattle farmers. A constant reminder of the raging bull within all common folk if pressed too hard by their leaders.

Anonymous Tutrtleguy
If it's an animal, then it's a turtle.  A turtle carries everything they need to live on their back, and home is wherever they are.  They also have natural shielding... 

Stag. When we created Acteon as a group we decided on the Stag. It was part of one of our Ooc family heraldries, and it was kind of cool. Over the years it's just become intrinsic. The mythologies within Acteon, the graphic potential of the antlers, just everything. 

Drax Creed
Canis Vulpes (Fox) because they are the mascot of my nation and its patron god of which I'm priest

Minotaur, because it's what I made my coat out of.

Looks like we're getting a little personal with this next question! Please answer it right away!