
Thursday, December 21, 2017

Question of the Week and Responses

Question of the Week #5

Welcome back, everyone, to see the answers to last week's question. We certainly received some interesting responses and surprisingly enough all of them were family-friendly enough to publish.

One personal request from the editors. Slade, you're only allowed to answer the question once no matter how many compelling things you have to say!

Please check out everyone's responses (especially all of Slade's) below then make sure to answer this week's appropriately themed question as well.

The questions was: What is the most interesting thing in your character's home?

My pink and purple onsie.  It’s soooooooo cozy.

Duke Syruss O'Leary
Living in the Neden castle you see plenty of weird stuff... But I would say the contents of Lord Nymbous's private vault are pretty wacky. He showcases just a select few at the feast inside his personal Museum, but there are some really out of the realm stuff in there.

A small time dragon

Slade (again, apparently?)
A set of antique china left to me by my dear departed grandmother. How I miss Nanna.

Cronin the Barbarian
An assortment of musical instruments from the distant lands Cronin has visited/conquered. Also a strange doll that looks eerily like Cronin...

Jericho Axelthorne
How fuzzy everything is when he tries to think of it

Vaguely threatening notes from the risen kingdom I picked up in a cave once

Probably the set of demonic looking horns I won at a Neden carnival; they make for a really nice conversation piece.

Nhadala of Grimloch 
There are a lot of unexplored tunnels, caves, and caverns in my home. People laugh when I say I live in a Salt Mine, but it’s really quite beautiful, and a strange twist of reality that there are so many kinds of salt in one place... In fact, that’s a little strange now that I think about it... 

Sir Therian
The home itself.  It is a series of house sized metal spheres mostly subterranean.  To the unfamiliar approaching the home, it would look like a clearing with some gentle rolling hills..  The interior of the spheres are created with a series of stairways and levels, held together with both living trees, lumber and mortar.  The upper levels have a kitchen, tannery and even a garden.  The mid levels are sleeping chambers, and the lower levels have an ice cellar, a waste removal room and some practice areas.

It's a toss up between the Armor of Borst, an Orb of Power, or the Positive Energy stone that I never used after beating Zermarx.

A lock of Lord Dark's hair

Slade (yet again I guess?)
My old love letters... well, letter. Okay one post-it-note from an ex girlfriend. 

Elric of Rathkeale 
A couple of skeletons in the closet, and his still beating heart.

This mysterious life-sized clown statue I don't remember buying

Tao Ya Kang
My wife. 


Iawen Penn
A black & purple field favor, with a black rowan branch across it, three different spell components that all claim to work in Shadow/Armont Magic, letters from various folks that have since gone underground, and, of course the Lending Library.  If you're asking "worth stealing", though, it's the tea. 

And now the eagerly awaited next question of the week! Remember, if you're going to troll Slade by answering for him make sure you submit an answer for yourself too, we want to know what you have to say!