
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

What You Missed - Tournaments of Artemis VI

[Editor's Note: all photos by View Staff]

The Neden Carnival provided some entertainment and snacks

Team Respecting Women, lead by Kite

Team Legion of Lupa, lead by Lupa

Team Quinntessemtial, lead by Quinn 

Team Fake Newbs, lead by Nhadala (plus Kite's team and Aeston!)

Team Mongoose Cult, lead by Katya 

Team Snek, lead by Freya

The Huntresses gather to hear important tourney information

Quinn faces down her foe

Nhadala battles it out

Team Thunderstorm, lead by Kara

Kara unleashes her lightening 

Freya guides her teammate through the obstacle course in a team challenge

Team challenge: boulder volleyball

Legion of Lupa and Thunderstorm face off for control of the box

Battling for control of the square

Freya v. Quinn

Congratulations to the winning Huntress, Lupa!