
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Why I Want to Go-Feast of Creathorne 2018

by Lani "Gwen" Jones

As always, I am looking forward to going to Feast of Creathorne next weekend, and you should be too. This has event has been a longtime favorite of mine, in no small part because Andy has been kind enough to let me help staff the event, and so I know how much work has gone on behind the scenes to make this event happen. Every year I look forward to the variety of foods available, including game that just isn’t featured at other feasts around the Realms. In addition, Sir Shean is always coming up with new ideas and recipes to try out for the feast (often times months in advance when I am still in the midst of thinking about Leviathan), which shows that this event staff isn’t afraid to try new things and to keep the menu fresh. 

If the food weren’t enough, this event features a gorgeous hall where you can participate in a variety of activities throughout the day. Got some extra gold Coin of the Realm? Use it to participate in the Golden Ticket Auction to win some terrific prizes such as event entries or money to spend at Vandoria’s Vestments. Speaking of, Vandoria herself will be there with her shop, and now is a great time to do some ordering for some of her fabulous creations (I still can’t get over how amazing the outfits she made for Areni and I were). If you need to  burn off some extra calories throughout the day, Order of the List will be there running tournaments to keep you active. If staying seated all day is more your scene, you should probably check out the Creathorne Casino, which will feature a variety of games throughout the day. Word on the street is that there will also be a Stacked Deck tournament happening, so if you are looking to up your rankings early on in the season, this is your chance. 

And in addition to all of this, there will also be a series of mini-quests happening throughout the day in short half hour bursts. This gives you plenty of time to engage in some ongoing Creathorne plot, King in Yellow, while still managing to stuff yourself, shop, and gamble should you so desire. Ultimately, this feast is going to have a lot of great food, and a lot of great entertainment and you should definitely make it a point to come. Pop your head into the kitchen and say hello when you get there!