
Friday, May 18, 2018

10 Questions with an EH

with Andy "Shean" Disbrow

Announcements at Feast of Creathorne - by Dustin Mack

1. What events have you previously thrown? (include years) 

I started throwing events I think in 1992 with the Dragonsbane madden quest with Keith Hollumbeck.  I was mentored and given huge pointers after that by Tim Gilkes, Shannon Slate, Kathy Joureny, Aaron Addison, John Berman, etc.  I have had on my staffs over the years many people Jarrod Marshal, Scott Rodlin, Jeff Makki, Becky Garbos, Ben Greene, etc. I have held personally lots of events not sure on the exact number but I am comfortable with saying 75 at least. Some Events I throw I have other people help me and put them down for EH credit because I always have EH credit with TOC.

  • Tournaments of Creathorne 25 years to dates 1993 to now.
  • Feasts of Creathorne in part or whole going back to 1994-present I think we did not do Feasts for a few years. I want to say 14 or so of them.
  • Dragonsbane events in the early 90’s.
  • Mythdrannor ToC Night quests and as standalone events in the 2000’s as 24 hour live events.
  • Lord of the Rings: first few Summer and winter fests with Stephen Hinkle.
  • Winter Wonderalands: we did winter camping in tents etc.
  • Day of the Dragon in 2005.
  • And the past few years I have been doing the stacked deck final tournament events.

Game convention events:

  • All of the Carnage convention events I have organized with the carnage staff for Realms to have events at carnage. Helped Travis Wilcox, now I help Tara Jackson-Pregent manage it.
  • 5 Pi cons in Mass, not any more.
  • 7 OGC cons in NH, not any more.
  • 13 Arisa cons then I handed it to Dan Diamond to manage.

2. What led you to start throwing events? 

I was asked By Keith Hollembeck to help throw Madden Quest and that was it.

3. What would you like your events to be known for? 

Quality, we always try and give the players and the staff a good time and provide them the most for their dollar. Be it a feast, quest or tournament it is our number one priority that people leave knowing they got their worth.  Great interaction and something to remember the event, be it experience or that trinket they got off an interaction or npc,  Food that fills them up and or something they have never had before or rarely get to have.  Nice or custom prizes for tournaments.

4. What aspects of event holding do you consider most challenging? 

You cannot please everyone:  We really try hard to but some people are never happy even when we base the entire weekend around them, they still are not happy. BUT those other 99% we hope leave with a smile and a fond memory.  All the prep work, all the planning, all the notes and scripts go out the window and you have to wing it 20 minutes before the quest/event starts. X prop is misplaced, hunters in the big field, hornets, you name it, it will be that wrench in the cogs that mess up everything. It will happen, be ready. That PC that decides he is not going to tell they party that they have a puzzle piece needed to finish the quest. Yeah that cool guy. We have ways to work around them because of past experiences…  

Prizes at Tournaments of Creathorne - by Dustin Mack

5. Tell us about an event moment you are particularly proud of? 

Well it is kind of BAD but well very fond:  ToC 3 or 4 I think Eldritch, Klever, and Swan are playing demons but the masks are too tight so they have them on top of their heads, so they look so much taller with the two-foot horns on top too. They walk out of the thick fog towards the PC’s and every one runs. One PC runs right into a drow (Sloan/Scott Carr). Scott is right in the PC’s face “gold elf your ass is mine” he screams right into the guys face. The PC can’t move he is shaking, etc. Scott looks over at me and I shake my head ‘no”so he walks away from the pc. The PC stands there a good 30+ seconds shaking then drops to his knees for a bit. I run into Scott a little later he asks “Is the guy who shit his paints okay?”.  Me ”He shit his pants?”. Scott “Oh yeah he did”.

6. Tell us about something that went wrong and what you learned from it? 

So many things go wrong all the time. Many times it is that people say they know what they are doing but in reality they have no idea how something works. You have to show some people they so they learn, not just get them away from the grill that they just burned two full sheep on. You have to show them how they cooked it all crazy with flames three feet high and the grease was making the flames go crazy higher. PJ butchered up the burned mutton, we cut off the burned stuff served it with a smile and everyone was happy. Now we do Burgers but we learned Aaron Addison does not know how to cook, but he makes a huge fire from not lots of wood and we should use propane grills not an old oil tank on cement blocks. Lol good times are always had by all!

7. What do you think makes an event site “good” and how have you gone about locating sites?  

Easy access from main roads, running water is a must, fire access even if it is a fireplace in the tavern,  It can hold more people than you expect and the amenities you need for want you are doing.  I am lucky that I have access to loads of sites.  Scout property, people I know's farm land, federal property, etc.  I just happened to decide to not do farming and use my extra property for an event site. But I know Jason Fiero who has access to a small gun club’s property for small feasts or indoor events, and other hidden treasures like that. I was able to help Rhiassa find a nice property in CT where they throw their annual Feast through the Scouting organization. Etc…

8. Have you managed to maintain a balanced budget? Any advice for other event holders on doing that? 

  WELLLLLLLLLLLLL, sometimes…. We are pretty good at it, and we are pretty good at spreading out big expenses over years so I would say I make it work… Some Expenses are thousands over the budget but the things bought are for 3-5 years so it all works out in the end. There have been a few years where I was way outside the budget and I think we have caught up on that over the years. But items like the custom Tournament Medals, I have a minimum order to make to make it worthwhile doing them so I make it all work. I do all the ordering so I know where the numbers are most years so if it is a hole we are in it is just me. Realms events are supposed to be nonprofit, right, so if you do happen to clear something put it into the next event, that is what I was taught.

9. What staff positions do you feel are essential to running your events and what do you do to help empower and support them? 

   Wow so much I can say here. “I” try to involve as much as the community as I can with the events I throw. Examples: I have Jarrod as my head marshal and he gets marshal staff he can work with from all over the Realms. Kitchen staff, Lani gets cooks, I do as much precook and prep as I can do but the onsite stuff I have her organizing.  Noncoms vary over the years but someone who loves games. Reg Crew: Becky Most years single handedly handles that for me with some Tavern staff on the side. I try and have the people I see as the best, if I can get them, to help head a specific area I need covered to help make the events great for everyone.  But the Entire Community I try and have them all take part in the event. Even if it is just picking up that plastic cup that someone else dropped. Lead by example, roll my sleeves up and get into every nook and cranny of the event. Be part of every part of your event even if it is not something YOU are an expert in you can hold the ladder while that person suspends the cool prop that was made that will drop down and scare the be-gessus out of people if that is all you can do.

Making the Rounds at the Feast - by Casey Lemay

10. What advice do you have for other Event Holders? 

Find an EH whom you respect what they are doing in the game, NPC, help, etc... learn it before you jump in. 1000 bad quests will be forgotten, one great event will not.  Try to shoot for the one great event and then do better next time. Your second event will be bad, nothing you can do about it accept it now, you will get over it. Do not let your second event stop you from throwing better events.

11. What can we look forward to seeing from you in the foreseeable future?  

Well we have ToC 25, lots of new things, we may even have people who do not speak English all that much but hey we will have some Omnibus in Quebecois if we are lucky. Playtesting some new things. I guess you will have to come and check things out… 25 Years in a row 2/3rd more to go!

See All of you Soon
Andrew Disbrow
AKA: Sir Shean O’Quinnlin