
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

WYM TOC 2018

Tournaments of Creathorne is a 4 day event, with at times hundreds of people that come and go. Some people will only hit this event this year. It's the event for triumphant returns and for many people, it's their first event.

So I couldn't possibly tell you everything you missed at this event. But I'll give you what I know for true.

You missed tournaments. Combat tournaments, both single and group. 5 man, and War tourney. Invictus won the nations tourney again this year. Which may be of no surprise to many of you, but I think the real surprise was how much we needed the medics guild on the field this year, with no fewer than three rolled ankles and one hospital trip. We really appreciated their efforts and contribution to the game that day.

Beyond combat tournaments however there were non coms, including pick pocketing, bookmaking board games of variety, bardics, campfire cooking, mixed drinks. The list of competitions is pretty insane. Many of the challenges I didn't even know were happening just because I was engaged on the tourney field.

At night at this time of year, in Creathorne portals seem to appear rampantly. They bring you to far off places and often on interesting adventures. This year they brought us to a place plagued with madness, where Celestial beings were fighting against a villain known as the Yellow King. Adventurers needed to gather materials to create weapons that could help them fight the yellow king, blades made of sanity. They needed to endure challenges in the name of the searing light. They needed to traipse about a garden at night picking flowers. They needed to protect their minds from the absurd, their bodies from the drain of war, and their lungs from rancid poisonous death. These challenges were surprisingly difficult. People suffered serious loss during these adventures, and certainly some people did not come out of it the same, if at all.

I caution you when asking for more information about these adventures, some people may still be in mourning.

But on to more merry of things. ToC is a time where a lot of people do business, it's a good place for it because of the sheer number of people that show up. I know among other things, at Blackwood court, Sir K elevated Torolf to the lord of Alonis, Seeker to the Steward of Eroewan, and Nos and Tao became Dukes.

Other courts surely happened, but you would have to ask around to find out what from them was for public knowledge.

The rain stopped no one. Despite the down pour is couldn't be called a damper. People partied and reveled and enjoyed themselves in every way. It was an event.

So yeah. You missed a lot. Stop doing that, and show up.

Keith Cronyn
Prince Saegan of Blackwood