
Friday, June 1, 2018

10 Questions with an EH

with Janna "Iawen" Oakfellow-Pushee

1. What events have you previously thrown? (include years)   

Well, this nifty tear-drop crystal Sean Veale got me says 40+, but if you mean specifically just where my name's the official EH, let me check RealmsNET: I've done 27 events, starting back in 2005.  I've also been a part of a Faerie/Bedlam Team (2007(8?) officially until the closing of Bedlam (2013), created and thrown(and helped) The Story-Tellers series and W.I.G.O.H. events, and the Insectafae plot-line blossomed my newbie year (2002) into something more than just 'my story', and finished up in 2007.

2.  What led you to start throwing events?   

I *knew* once I started participating in the stories that I had my own tales I wanted to craft and share.  Also, the historical points that can take place.

3.  What would you like your events to be known for?   

Character-development (PCs and NPCs alike), light-hearted & confusing, yet still manageable and enjoyable.  Character is shown in the big moments, but it's made in the smaller ones.

4.  What aspects of event holding do you consider most challenging?   

Communication!  Doesn't matter how many times I print a document, send an e-mail, do a text or a phone-call, follow-ups, and so forth: if I'm not making myself clear to the Western Flank helpers/staffers day of, an event falls apart.  I should not expect people to read things just because I sent it(they have busy lives, too!), so making sure it makes sense on paper also helps when I have printed binders on site.  Speaking of which, always do your print-outs if needs be, or at least attempt to finish up by Wednesday of your event.  That way printing problems can be worked around, and any changes after that can be done in pencil.

5.  Tell us about an event moment you are particularly proud of?  

Tiptoe through the Tulips still continues to be my rubric, everyone freaking out about the Jabberwocky, and then later on Black Annis.

6.  Tell us about something that went wrong and what you learned from it?     

From the Mushroom Forest, all the way to Ushi'dui and the Causeway: many PCs say they want the old spells or to have lots of power, but once it is out there things get wacky, usually too much so.  It's why we seemingly 'nerf' and change up mechanics every year.

7.  What do you think makes an event site “good” and how have you gone about locating sites?    

It needs a central location with the ability to shelter folks in the case of OOC emergency/bad weather, and it needs the ability to handle facilities (bathrooms + sink and/or sanitizer).  Safety is then next.

8.  Have you managed to maintain a balanced budget? Any advice for other event holders on doing that?   

Depends, heh.  The Feast of Chimeron I EH'd, we made sixty bucks and Veale had mentioned it was the first time we were in black for a very long time.  For Tiptoe through the Tulips, I blew an extra hundred or two that I never recovered (back when I worked a FT job)

9.  What staff positions do you feel are essential to running your events and what do you do to help empower and support them?  

"Den Mother", Head NPC, Magic Marshal.  I have binders for them and everything!

10.  What advice do you have for other Event Holders?  

Genuinely listen to all the constructive (and not-so-constructive) criticism, and know that you don't have to implement *everything*.  That's because some advice is given heatedly, and when time is spent cooling off and distancing one's self from the event, you might find that mechanic is outside your scope at this time (adding a buffet would break your set budget, having the couple that just broke up still play your married Face Roles might be hard, your NPCS cannot actually fly, etc.).   The other advice I would give: continuity!  While "inventing something new" can be awesome, there is also a treasure-trove of uncompleted or 'mysteries unsolved' in the Realms, plus lots of ruins and other spaces.  Ask around, and see if you cannot craft a story from what we've got already (plus it is easier to ask for help in borrowing pre-established goblins, elementals, etc. before you're financially ready to have and store your own!).

11.  What can we look forward to seeing from you in the foreseeable future?   

The Time Snarl (Dark Elves of Quar) plot I've been throwing here and there since 2004 as side stuff is now my Big Plot for the forseeable future, mixing it up with The Emerald Path(geocaching)!  There's also the Colorless, the Gema, and look for seeing the re-surgence of other Realms races (Sea Elves and more) and more being added to the Ivory Library, so not only is IC content to research but OOC ideas to use for *your* events!  Cheers!