
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

WIWTG: G.O.F.E.R. Three

by Lani "Gwen" Jones

Although this event has already reached cap, it is well worth my time to highlight some of the amazing things that G.O.F.E.R. Three is going to feature this coming weekend. Having attended a previous event in this series, I can say first hand that this event team knows what they are doing in terms of running an event that is both immersive and a whole lot of fun. The premise of this “hardest recovery ever executed” involves adventuring into the ruins of Ravensloft to trigger a series of contingency plans that were set to avoid some very dangerous things from escaping. In order to accomplish this stealth mission, each of the three adventuring parties must successfully reach their individual goals in a timed mission.

Players at this event can expect a high quality series of traps and challenges that will be both physically and mentally engaging. By adding a time limit for each of the quests, the staff has really managed to make each questing party feel the pressure. The stakes are high, but if successful, the players will not only get to pillage the vault, but help some dragons in the process.

The EH team has also added a new component to this questing series by offering an in-character town that will be running all day. In this town, players can eat, drink, and gather intel. What sets this questing series apart in my mind is the depth to which the EH’s have gone to ensure that every player is engaged at every point of the quest. The layers of rich story are paired with engaging mechanics, and the very real prizes at the end of the quest (should the PCs be successful) help to keep everyone immersed throughout the entire day. I am genuinely bummed that I will be missing this event, but I’m glad some of my fellow Rhiassans will be going so they can keep me in the loop about what I missed, because I’m sure there will be a lot of great stories that come out of this weekend.