
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

WIWTG Rhiassa Presents: The Gilded Lion Summer Festival IV

by Keith "Saegan" Cronyn

Why do I want to go to the Gilded Lion? Because it’s a Ragnarok event. If you don’t know, then you probably haven’t been paying attention to me. Which is fine, I’m happy to explain.

The Echoes of Ragnarok plot series has been amazing. For the last few years we have been moving through the Norlund, with the singular goal of trying to jump start Ragnarok. Well some of us. I, Keith, find this to be an interesting twist on the Quests we players are usually given. Wherein we must save the world, or worlds, by causing their destruction. That’s really not something that happens in a traditional story. But it fits with the Norse Lore. It creates a fun series of quests, that apply to the destructive nature of the realms in general, and generally it’s just an elegant way to make for an interesting story. 

I, Saegan, cannot fathom this. There simply must be a better way. You may or may not know my buddy Torolf, but he’s from these lands, and thus had dived right on into the backstory of Ragnarok being the good cause. With me following along behind him constantly arguing “Why though?” Taking this stance has not been easy, because it makes my interacting with the quests sometimes odd. For example, how does Saegan participate in something he finds to be morally...unlikely.  In Helheim, I opted to not take any honor from my dying foes, and I tried not to engage them in combat either, saying that I was just there to make sure my friends got out okay. Until I was forced to fight by the overwhelming undead facing us.  It has, for me, created interesting character interactions that have bled into many other events, and practices. And I love it. 

That’s that background, but what about Gilded Lion itself? Well, since I’ve been barking about the moral need to save the world from Ragnarok, this event is awesome because we see the leader of the other side of things. The leader of the team trying to prevent Ragnarok. Thorafin, Jarl of the Western Peninsula. As someone who has been defending the potential morality of this unknown leader for what seems like years, I can say yes, I am excited to put a face to the name. I’m excited to find out if he’ll betray my ideals and I’ll have to join Torolf, and smite him. I’m excited to be right that the worlds can be saved. I’m excited to have a new and different standpoint. 

I guess I’m just immersed. 

But what about you friends that haven’t fallen  into the thick of it yet, or haven’t taken a side? Honestly the Echoes of Ragnarok team is going to represent. They do this consistently, and unerringly, and if you haven’t given them the chance yet, have some faith and give it a shot. 

As an editor of the view, I get some perks. I get to ask event holders what secrets they want the world to know about their events, and they usually tell me. So I got a hint of the menu at this event, and I was promised ribs, and wings. I was promised a burrito bar. For dessert, I was promised the allure of ice cream. What does this mean for me? That I’m going to eat well. I like all those foods, and I know that Lani is in the kitchen doing what she loves. If for some reason you didn’t know, Lani is the champion in the kitchens at Leviathan, and I’m told the hero of many others.

Now this event promises to be light hearted and fun. Which might sound weird considering I’ve been gushing over world ending encounters, and war. But I mean, we all have different ideas of whats light hearted, and fun, right? Seriously though, this is supposed to be a festival atmosphere, with relevant content, and just generally a good time. 

So come play with me, I’ve literally been excited for this for months, and there are a few slots left to be had. 

 See you on the field,

 Keith “Saegan” Cronyn