
Thursday, July 19, 2018

New Addition Edition

Have you hear our fearless Editor Jennifer Rosa had a new addition?  Julianna Mary Elizabeth Rosa was born on 7/6/18.   Welcome to her and congratulations to Jen and Jason!!

In honor of the occasion, we reached out to hear how other Realms kids feel about being part of our game.  The following words of wisdom came from Dani-Danger of Folkestone. Thanks to Janna Pushee (aka her mom) for helping with this interview.

Dani-Danger of Folkestone:  1 2 3 4 5 SIX!!!  Sarah's on the table!!!!!!!
Janna: Player 4, off the table.  Do you like Realms?
Dani: YES!!!
Janna: What are some of the things?
Dani: Fightin', seeing my friends, being a fighter in Folkestone, ANNNNND mmm, and cause my people got my back.
Janna: What's the scariest thing you've done?
Dani: When it was fierce fightin' and there was goblins, and then there was the time I got my shoe stuck in the mud in WINTER and this skinny big guy helped me but my boot was almost lost.
Janna: So you weren't scared at Creathorne this year in the nations' fight?
Dani: Oh yeah. I was. I thought I was gonna get trampled, but I didn't cause my people have my back.  Mommy, are we done?
Janna: Do you want to be done?
Dani: Nooooooo.
Janna: *grin*  Why should families bring their kids?
Dani: Because I want to see more kids, and I think kids who like to fight and be ninjas and fight a lot and a lot and a lot would like Realms.  Mom, look at dis--JUMP LIKE A FROG!  JUMP LIKE A FROG!  Mommy, is it almost swim lessons.
Janna: Almost.  Dani, do you like the garb?
Dani: What's a garb?
Janna: It's the clothes for Realms.
Dani: All of dem, I like, but I take off my tabbard because sometimes I get hot and it don't fit right.
Janna: What was one of the more exciting things you did this year?
Dani: I was a HERO!!! And Prince Sammy's dad will never lie to another kid EVER!!! He promised. /nod
Janna: HAH, that's right. I hope Matt reads this.
Dani: Who's Matt?  OH!  And I like Yule time, but the grownups get too silly and sometimes I get confused, but I like the part where Father Yule comes out and I can see if he got my letter and get a unicorn princess!
Janna: Or something like that.
Dani: Do people know that Father Yule is [REDACTED]?
Janna: I'm not sending that to the View, DanDan, and please keep that to yourself.
Dani: Okay. [REDACTED] needs a better beard, though.
Janna: Noted and logged.  DanDan, why do you think Mama takes you?
Dani: Because Daddy is too busy being elsewhere to quest with me.
Janna: ...and? Anything else? Do you think you learn anything, or feel safe?
Dani: YES!! I feel okay cause people have my back.  OH and the Princess teaches me how to dance and have long hair and be pretty and then hit people really hard but you can't hit somebody else if they don't have a weapon in their hands. It's the law.
Janna: Yes, something like that.
Dani: Mommy, can I throw things like Daddy yet?
Janna: When you learn how to read and understand the rules, baby, you can choose to be a spell-caster.
Dani: No, I just want to throw things like Daddy.
Janna:  ...okay. *grin*