
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Queen of Heart XXV- Team Superlatives

Team Arryn-

Team Tactician: Charwindle - For providing combat support with the Mayerling Expeditionary Force

Most Inspirational: Tarja - For representing the ideals of Team Arryn in both the One Man and One Woman tournaments

Team MVP: Mayumi - For tireless support in the daycamp

Team Salt Queen-

Team Tactician: Tao, for assisting with setting up the team for field maneuvers, and assisting with placing Aces in each tournament to maximize point values. 

Most Inspirational: Spirit - Tulkan for hopping on our team last minute, and fighting hard through the whole event.

Team MVP - Eamon, for completely wrecking house in the Queen’s War. Also for jumping in last minute to assist with cleaved, and willingness to fight in every battle!

Team Phoenix-

Team Tactician: Rorin for providing input into team tactics and independently executing tactical actions at key points.

Most Inspirational: Evie for boundless enthusiasm, offering to do everything, doing many well, and keeping a good attitude when she wasn't able to do everything she was interested in. 

Team MVP:  Kindrianna for assisting with pre event planning then bowing out of the combat roster last minute to give others the opportunity while continuing to assist with everything she could from the sidelines, as well as being the voice of Hygar and presenting his armor.