
Thursday, August 30, 2018

What You Missed- Demonic Invasion IV by Ben "Pilpus" Lacasse

One thing I’ve never been able to say before that I can now, the event began the moment I stepped on site.  Arriving at 8 o clock, we had just enough time to change our clothes and grab our weapons, and then we were off into the night to do some hardcore gardening for Rubarb.  After we mowed the lawn, we had our generals step forward, Elizah (Constructs), Evie (Fiends) and a roguish type who’s name escapes me at the moment (success in his part I guess?) who took leadership of the Beasts.  Evie and her team, almost as soon as they were selected, went off to guard the western flank from any demons that might try to break our ranks while the Constructs and Beasts made their way into an ancient temple in Kel’var, where we would unearth some groundbreaking information. 

After a series of puzzles and grueling battles with the demonic forces that had overtaken this once holy place, we stumbled across an ancient tomb that ominous statues had been directing us towards the throughout the night. Here we found the desecrated tombs of the 9 elder guardians, those who began the cycle of life as we know it, but in the wake of Coia Orn’s destruction 1 has risen and has assumed command of demonic forces, Batu. In an attempt to give the Forest of Kel’var the ability to fight back against its oppressor, James Swift, Cara and I performed a ritual to send the natural spirits of Erowan to aide them, but the spirits were so long dead and decimated that it had no effect other than to have the demonic force opposing us laugh in our face.

“9 began the cycle, and 9 will be its end as well”, the statues prophecies foretold and with Batu on the rise again, we can only assume there’s worse to come as the other 8 awaken, but Batu alone is an extremely formidable force.  All three teams spent the rest of their time repelling his demonic forces and taking down his war beasts from sunset on Saturday well into the day on Sunday.

During the day on Saturday though, to prepare for the oncoming legion, all three teams competed against each other to hone their skills in intricate and well thought out tournaments that Rubard arranged so that we would be in peak physical and mental condition when the Legion landed.  Evie’s team emerged victorious, but every team fought valiantly and proved their worth on the field.

There is much more work to be done in the Forest of Kel’var, as the Elder Guardians rise, we are the only thing that stands between life as we know it and it’s complete destruction.  Send your aid, my eyes in forest sense an enormous storm brewing.  The calm is eerie, but it’s wrath I’m sure will be terrible.