
Friday, August 17, 2018

What You Missed - QoH XXV Photo Edition

photos by View staff
The Opening Ceremonies

Introducing Team Phoenix

Team Salt Queen's True Supporters

Team Arryn's Introduction

A Hectic Beginning to a Game of Targetball

A Myerling Queen in Rhiassan Live Chess

Team Salt Queen's Queen Moves Forward

Team Phoenix Attacks the Castle

A Battle in the Castle Gate Between Team Salt Queen and Team Phoenix

The Loremaster part of the Aces Tournament
A Bullseye Knife Throw in Marksman

Stacking VHUs in Grand Teamwork

Sword and Shield Squad Tournament

The Cleaved Competitors Show Their Stuff
Ping Pong Ball Throwing in the Challenge Race
The Puzzle Relay in the Challenge Race

Team Grand Melee

Queen's War
Another View of Queen's War

The Awards Ceremony