
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Did I Read That Right?!?

By Josh "Lako" Fitzgerald
Mystic Forge:

So this request actually hits a bit close to home for me, I love mystic forge and feel it has taken some hits in the past years with the speed of combat and the high access of healing.

The question was raised are we using the spell correctly, can someone have one foot out of the circle while casting? I am going to open this up to another similar spell, Circle of Healing.

As per the wording in Circle of Healing and Mystic forge, separated at the bottom of the page, you must be standing in the circle to gain the effects of the spell, this doesn’t clarify if you must be standing fully in the circle.

The way I read this sadly is that you must be standing fully in the circle to use the spell, if the spell had said you must be touching the circle I could see our current use of this, however it is clearly stated you must be standing within the circle.

Circle of Healing (5th Circle)

Uses: 1 - Verbal: 25 words - Material: 10-foot rope - Active: Touch the rope - Caveats: Circles, Suspension

This spell allows the spellcaster to create a Circle of Healing. The spellcaster may name the circle with Cure Disease, Heal Limb, or Raise Dead, chosen at the time of casting.

-Until the Circle of Healing is broken, the spellcaster need only stand in the circle, touch the recipient of the healing spell, and recite the named spell’s VC to cast the spell.-

 This does not use up any castings of the named healing spell, and can be done as many times as desired. No one but the spellcaster may use the Circle of Healing in this manner. This spell is broken if a weapon crosses the plane of the circle. For this purpose, a weapon is considered to be anything with a legal striking surface - therefore, swords and arrows are weapons, although bows and shields are not.

Mystic Forge (4th Circle)

Uses: 1 - Verbal: 25 words - Material: 10-foot rope - Active: Touch the rope - Caveats: Circles, Suspension

This spell allows the spellcaster to create a Mystic Forge. The spellcaster may name the circle with Enchant Weapon or Repair Item, chosen at the time of casting.

-Until the Mystic Forge is broken, the spellcaster need only stand in the circle, touch the target item, and recite the named spell’s VC to cast the spell.-