
Thursday, September 6, 2018

What You Missed- Feast of Folkestone

by Tucker "Temorse" Noyes

If you missed Feast of Folkestone this year, then you missed an average, run of the mill Feast of Folkestone, which is to say, you missed quite a lot.  This years Feast boasted a variety of activities, from gambling to dessert wars to night questing to excellent food to more auctions than any single event has ever had before.

The feast portion of the event was themed this year, and that theme was brunch.  This meant a delicious array of foods including several different types of quiche, chicken and waffles, biscuits and gravy, and french toast sticks, among many other dishes.  This was all topped off with an endless supplies of refreshing virgin mimosas.  Overall the food was of top notch quality that anyone who has attended Feast of Folkestone has come to expect.

There were plenty of activities to partake in during and after the feast.  Gambling was available with a variety of games, as per usual at the back of the tavern throughout the night.  Dessert Wars was run in periodic events throughout the evening as well, letting different folks compete for a prize of gold.  The myriad of courses was briefly interposed by a court that saw the knighting of Karhma Celestine to the Knights of the Blue Rose, the squiring of Darkin to the same order, a denouncement of slavery by the Church of Aurora, the elevation of Neil Cook to master of the spoon as well as Tazzia and Freesia’s promotion to journeyman from the Order of the Spoon. We also saw a presentation of a gift from Sir Syruss of Neden, in the form of a remastered version of the famed Blue Spruce, as well as a companion weapon gifted to Evie of Voraniss.  After the feast had finished there was also some questing to be had, where groups of adventurers formed triumvirates.

Finally we had the auction.  There were several auctions, including live auctions, silent auctions and ticket auctions for gold.  There were many, many, fantastic prizes with many very happy winners.  However there was another set of auctions as well, including a ticket auction, a raffle, a live auction and a silent auction for cash.  These were all auctions with a single purpose, to raise money for a fellow member of the community who was in need.  In a variety of ways these set of auctions demonstrated the strength and resolve of the community.  There were a vast array of items donated to the auctions from an incredibly diverse set of people from all corners of the community.  There, additionally, as an equally wide variety of people who spent their money on the auctions, all of which to goes to help a member of the community in need.  The sheer number of participants willing to give back to help was a proud moment for the community.