
Thursday, October 18, 2018

Grimloch Questing

by: Tempest (Lynn Butler)

The Friday night air hit exposed skin, as feasting gear never truly covers,
The loud musics beat blasting from a busy kitchen filled with feastocrats and a hall filled with food lovers
Small little foods to hold people over as liquor filled bellies would feel a little better.

People wandered and talked and drank, smiling from ear to ear.
The night carried on and people got tipsy some way too out there I fear,
From some drunken buddy’s falling outside on the pavement to other letting out tears,
Of laughter from the smallest little things.

Sleep is a wonder unless you wake up hungover but even then Saturday always starts with coffee.
Grabbing quest gear and a bottle of water, adventurers went out on their way, paying last night’s drunk fee.
“Surprise we are all in Booms dream.” Great.

We all wandered around looking for puzzles, even though I showed up a little late.
I just helped raise people.
By grabbing bodies when Boom’s farmers of discipline killed them for touching the puzzles.
“Is that yours? Nope!” “Dead.” “Dammit Guys.”
But, to get the puzzle we had to cut their ownership ties,
With a little honorable combat.

During that a frog of disease shot arrows, mostly at the Auroran.
Who, yes, ran.

Grab all the stuff, and come on down, to Boom’s Dream Carnival.
Get 1,000 tickets but try not to die,
From the lycanthropes wandering about and some evil witches whisper cry,
Death wishing our dead with a smirk upon her lips.
Without much thought or any doubt,
Syruss called “Hey Voraniss, found your guys.” Only to be met with my pout.
“Listen, not every werewolf is a Voraniss werewolf.
Nice thought though.”
A block? That was the hidden fun?
Aaaaand Boom threw it into the flames up at reg...okay...

Some brave people went running off while others warmed themselves up, with some nice hot chocolate.
Off to purify the water for the flowers we have been collecting...oh yeah...we are collecting flowers.
Running to get the water I used most of my powers, warding off damned Enchanted beings.
“The power of Vandor protects me from all enchanted beings~.  DAMNIT KID MOVE!” Yelling as we all fled.
A little ward and little legs don’t work normally when you have a kiddo not listening, if it wasn’t for my God I would have left him dead.

It took awhile but we made it, building a fire to the underworld, no harm with that right?.
Using some dragons breath on the flames we got that fire going while some got a chance to sit tight.
*Dinner Break. Yummy Yummy*
Oh no more Boom Dreams too, I think, I can’t fully recall, Matiya said we were done with his head at that point. I guess I’ll just listen to mummy.

Alrighty, it’s dark, we’re in the underworld dealing with some hounds from hell.
They were starving and we could all tell.
But slowly and surely you give them treats and trust can be earned.
Out within the field a familiar figure,
Armor of gold and entity of dark linger.
Then a lady of spring, the light within the dark.
The young spring running away from the sharks grasp to help the adventures while I stayed by the darks side.
Small talk flowed smoothly like the tide,
Before anger erupted.
Persephone wishing to leave, Hades fighting for her to stay.
Hades went down, many keeping him at bay.
“2 Days. Max.”
“Yes Sir.”

Well, more drinking, more fun, the night went on.
Alcohol making many it's drunken pawn.
Until sleep swept over and cold set in.
The cabins air frigid and bed frames feeling like cold metal tin.
The morning resulting in Persephone’s return.
Hades giving a small smile, as his spring has returned.
