
Friday, December 28, 2018

Humanizing the Realms: Sara "Zarine" Jessop

1. What do you do outside of the game? What would you like to be doing? (Work, school, etc.)
I am one of those lucky people who gets to do what I love for a living. I have been a hairstylist for twenty years and I have never regretted that career choice, even if it means I am only seen on Sundays most of the year.

2. What hobbies do you enjoy other than LARP?
Most of my free time outside of work and larp is taken up with World of Warcraft. I am an officer and raider in a 3/8 Mythic guild. I also enjoy both running and playing in tabletop RPGs and I am a big fan of story heavy video games. I really enjoy creative writing, character and world building, and honestly I spend a lot of time day dreaming.

Picture provided by Sara Jessop

3. Favorite meal, dessert, and drink?
My 'favorite' anything tends to change on an hourly basis, but I generally love Chinese food, Creme Brulée, and I have recently discovered a love of fruity sour ales.

4. If you could go on vacation anywhere, where would it be? Would you bring anyone?
Lots of places! But really, my biggest vacation goal is London. I really want to see all of the architecture and history, and I might be a bit of a royalty fangirl. And I mean, I guess I would bring my husband, so he could follow me around and correct all the historical inaccuracies given by tourist signs and guides.

5. Are you working on any life goals that you’re willing to share?
Nothing overly specific or long term. I recently got off my butt and got my IC blog together which had been a goal of mine for quite a while, so I haven't really found a new thing to procrastinate about for the next year yet.

6. Favorite outfit other than garb?
Totally depends on where I am and what my goal there is. If I am at home I am most likely in
comfy pajamas. At work I need to be comfortable but professional, so I usually wear a nice pair of jeans and a fitted long or short sleeve t shirt and I found an amazingly awesome apron at a hair show that I wear over that. If I am 'going out', I wear whatever makes me feel the best about myself. I am one of those 'look good, feel good' people, so that means I am also one of those people who changes her outfit ten times before I find the one that just feels right.

7. Do you have any professional or personal skills you’d be willing to talk about?
I am really really good at being organized and clean. I'd make a great professional organizer. I also feel l like I have decent knack for interior design. I'm great at my chosen career, which is pretty fortunate for my clients. I am super detail oriented, which can sometimes be a negative, but overall I feel it's a pretty positive trait that I wouldn't trade away.

Picture provided by Sara Jessop

8. What drew you to the realms, and what keeps you there?
As far as what drew me here, I would have to say friends. I really wasn't interested in it at all, but my friends played, so I kind of dragged myself to the game to spend time with them and motivated myself with the fact that I could dress up fancy. The problem at the time was that I was actually terrible at dressing fancy and roleplaying, but I made do and stuck around. What keeps me here is more of the same. Almost none of the friends that I started playing with play anymore, but I have made new friends. My 'dressing fancy' game has improved, or at least I would like to think so, and my roleplaying ability has as well and I actually enjoy exploring my character and presenting her. It took me a long time, almost 15 years, to find my place in the game but now that I am found it I don't know if I could leave it.

9. Favorite movies/shows/books?
I think everyone knows how much of an I Love Lucy freak that I am. I also love me a good Golden Girls marathon. My favorite modern show is The Royals. I am not much of a movie person anymore, but I really like cheesy romance movies, westerns, and historical/period movies. My favorite movie I would have to say is Atonement. For books, I am a pretty shallow book reader. I like victorian romance novels and YA fiction that are really easy and quick reads. If I had to chose a favorite book though, it would be Pride and Prejudice.

10. If you happened upon 3 wishes, what would they be? (Wishing for more wishes doesn’t seem to work...)
To eat whatever I want and not get fat
That they never canceled Pan Am (seriously, I loved that show)
That I had an infinite closet full of clothes/garb to chose from

Yes those are stupid answers, but I honestly hate this question so these are the answers that you get. I would likely never actually wish for anything because I'd be so afraid of messing everything up with things that weren't suppose to happen.