
Monday, December 24, 2018

Views in the View

The View asked... 

What are you hoping to find in your Yule stocking this year?

Happiness, unity, and identity for my people. If that's not available, maybe just a good drink to share.
- Saegan

Evens to can. I am rather sick of can'ting. It's very exhausting.
- Madam Zarine

I hope to find some small treats to feed the cute little animals of Voraniss!
- Evie

I would love a bottle of fine whiskey. Or perhaps new parchment paper for my many contracts. A nice new hat would be swell too.
- Lord Sir Syruss

I would love the Super Magical Microphone Zarine got at the feast.
- Sir Sarrix

New furs to keep warm with in the winter
- Tulkhan

Man then Lord Nymbous and NOW Lord Syruss have been promising me another Goober Cart Driver for Neden. I don't know if they'll fit in my stocking but that's what I want.
- Cabby of Neden

I need new MMA gloves for all these orphans I am training in Neden. I mean if I don't get them bare knuckle boxing is still an option but we should probably protect these kids knuckles
- Sir Dith of Neden

I would love the key to the cell that Syruss threw me in. Beak into one Lords Whiskey store room and suddenly you're public enemy and not one of his favorite brothers.
- Vyrusss of Neden

I would really love a bottle of LTD that I can share My Lord Syruss and Nymbous and one I can hide from both of them.
- Danikin "Ditch" Maloy of Neden

I need new armor! How much can fit in this stocking...HEY SYRUSS CAN I HAVE A BIGGER STOCKING IN MY STOCKING?? Cause I will take that.
 - Gumbo of Neden