
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

What You Missed- A Very Merry Yule at Uncle 'Crazy' Cecil's Tavern 2

By: Emily "Kara" Murphy

You missed quite an adventure if you missed UCCT this year. You missed Alpackasaurus (sorry if I spelled that wrong) impersonating someone to get us started down a really weird path Saturday morning. Everything about that adventure was wild. Like, there was a talking trash heap involved. I’m not even being mean there was an actual trash pile talking to us. The rather nice trash pile sent us in the direction of some musicians in the woods, who insisted that to get the shine gourd, that we had to get it from some gorgs, which are apparently sentient rock things. However, to get the gourd, we had to sing to it, using a completely original song, that we had to feel inside our souls, that we had to use specific instruments for. I was left really confused by this and went to go encourage kid adventurers to murder.

Photo by Lynna Gallo

Photo by Lynna Gallo

We moved on from this, we took a small break only for another letter to arrive ‘for’ Alpackasaurus. Setting out towards cats, I think, we ran into an amoeba. I don’t like amoebas, I don’t like being a part of amoebas. They just freak me out.  We eventually got everything figured out though, and made our way to back to the musicians after finding everything we needed. Then we made a song to the tune of one of those old church bells and went on our way to fight the gorgs, who were not happy with anything going on so like the morally-upright and righteous adventurers we are, someone stole it and ran. I’m sorry that I skipped over some things as I may have not been on the field when they happened as I had injured myself twice that day (minor stuff I really didn’t want to use energy on).
The Gorgs (photo by Beth Tozier)

Saturday night was as fun as usual, though still carrying over the rather nice weather from the day. Ultimately if you missed UCCT, you missed a fun recreation of Fraggle Rock and a good time.

Photo by Megan Matulewicz