
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Heroes of the Western Flank-Update

 By Lani "Gwen" Jones

This year at Feast of the Leviathan XXI the Heroes of the Western Flank will be recognized for their service to the community. Now in its fourth year, this organization's purpose is to publicly thank those people who regularly serve as NPCs on quests. The role of the NPC is a vital one to our game: without monsters to kill, the heroes of the Realms would have very little to do. NPCing is accessible to all players, regardless of skill or experience, and it is the way that many players begin their service to the Realms, and still more players continually give back by acting behind the scenes in this manner. Despite the importance of NPCs, we often forget to recognize them for their hard work. Anyone who has served on the Western Flank knows that it can be an exhausting day and those that come back again and again deserve our commendation.

All heroes who are present at the Feast of Leviathan can submit a form indicating the number of events that they NPC'd. If you have NPC'd three or more events, you'll receive a ticket for each event, and will be entered into the Heroes of the Western Flank raffle. This year's prizes will include swords, pouches, gloves, garb, and two magic items that will last for the duration of the next year. Each item is a token of our sincerest gratitude.

Please take the time to congratulate the raffle winners, and always remember to thank your NPCs.