
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

What You Missed: Rhiassa Presents: Feast of Leviathan XXI

Leviathan is a staple event. It has etched itself into the history of realms and will hopefully be around for many years to come. This year was no different in that regard, it was a fine example of what our events can live up to. But it was different from previous years. While there were all the staple games, and there were plenty of people, the tables were separated, in an attempt to create a more open atmosphere, allowing people to wander and mingle, and it was good, it was nice, and it was fun.

Honestly, writing a what you missed for this event is hard. It’s like an episode of one of your favorite TV shows, where you have to follow a bunch of different characters to get a good idea of the whole picture, but at the same time, you feel like you’re missing something in the side lines.

I say that because there was questing going on, but I have no idea about what. There was political drama, something about eating babies. There were champions being named, there were gamblers, and people making pleas to gods. People joined nations. A while back I wrote something about what to do when bored at a feast, more or less my answer was “make business for you character, and do it.” I feel like more than any other feast I’ve been to this year, this event encapsulated that idea. You could ask 20 people what happened at this event, and very easily get different answers from all of them.

I’d be remiss not to speak on the food. It kept coming to find me, and I kept eating it. All sorts of lovely snippets, and snacks. The breads and dips were a particular hit for me. For the main course there were three options, and I had the chicken marsala. I only discovered my love of that meal some years ago, so I would call myself a novice to its nuances, but I have to say that there is a reason I took leftovers of that home. And there is a reason it was gone early the next day. Also, tiramisu, honestly this menu feels like it was calling me out somehow, which is a weird feeling knowing they were serving possibly a 100+ people. I could ramble on about the food, but I’m going to leave a little mystery, and force you to come find out for yourselves next year.

While there were a lot of things going on, and I tried to touch upon as many as I could, there is one bit of business that occurred that I believe needs explicitly stating. Janna “Iawen” Oakfellow-Pushee was made a Knight of the Realms. This is not a common occurrence, and it was certainly well deserved. When you see her next, be sure to thank her for all she has done for the game, for the community, and then congratulate her  for being recognized, and knighted.

I’ll see you on the field,
Keith “Saegan” Cronyn