
Thursday, February 28, 2019

WIWTG Void When Seal is Broken

I'm not sure I can rightly call this a why I want to go, but more like a why you should keep an eye out and pre-reg for early for this quest line. Void When Seal is Broken is part of the Risen Kingdom plot series held by RTC (Rua Thar Cinn).

Now I've had the great pleasure of being deeply immersed in this plot, so I can tell you that the world building has a lot of depth. There is a significant amount of background information for a cunning player to stick their nose into, and it becomes very apparent when you start digging.

This event consists of 3, 90 minute quests with teams of ten people each. Small group quests like these are great because they allow the players to feel on the center stage, usually they can be more intense, and even more personalized.

Knowing the level of effort that went into world building, the amount of experience that this team has  as a whole, and the small team design to the event lay out, I expect this to be the sort of event that creates stories for people.

This should be a great event, and I'm jealous. Remember friends, pre-reg early, pre-reg often.

I'll see you on the field,

Keith "Saegan" Cronyn