
Friday, April 5, 2019

Rumors - April 2019

[Across the Realms]

For those keeping up with the movements of "The Black Dagger", guards seem to now be on a lead. Last spotted on the road to Voraniss, they now have an acute description of the perpetrator. Wearing all black, a cape and face mask, horns hide under the hood and a distinctive accent can be heard if speaking to him. This creature is armed, dangerous and will go for your belongings. Everyone is advised to keep a look out and if sighted do not approach. To any guards or knights they are advised to approach with caution and gain more information if possible.


On a peaceful spring day, out of a clear blue sky, lightning smote the ground atop a small tree-lined hill in the province of Alonis in Blackwood. As the thunder rolled away into the distance, four more bolts of lightning scoured the same spot. Thus sanctified with Thor’s blessing a great stone was raised there, in the traditions of Midgard, commemorating the life and deeds of Sir Vawn. Ravens have begun appearing across the lands bearing scrolls from Lord Torolf with a simple message. That the spot is henceforth named Drengr Hill. Although for those who struggle with words and names of Midgard it is acceptable to call it Heroes Hill though it loses much in the translation. Further, let it be known that any who would peacefully commemorate Sir Vawn and his passing to the Summer Lands will be welcome there.


An almost comically stereotypical friar bearing the heraldry of Justari was seen towing an oversized, overstuffed cart towards the border of Darkvale.


A rather long  line of Wagons were seen traveling through the paths of the woods south of Dragon Breath. There are no marking on the wagons that were noticed but Tor and Cong of Creathorne were both seen among the military guard force for the wagons.