
Thursday, April 11, 2019

Why I Want to Go-Feast of Teng Hua

by Lani "Gwen" Jones

As many of you may know, I love a good feast. I have the good fortune to be attending Feast of Teng Hua this weekend, and while the event is capped and full, I want to take the time to highlight for everyone the reasons I’m excited to be going, and to encourage you, when the opportunity strikes again to engage with this event series/plot, to click that pre-reg button stat.

1. The Food: I’ve been around a few kitchens in my days in the Realms, and I know the care and thought that this team puts into their menus. Their food always manages to strike the perfect balance between comforting and innovative, and I am going to really appreciate the privilege of being a patron at this event.

2. The Fun: One of the things I’m most looking forward to is that this event is going to kick-off a brand new plot. It’s certainly an exciting time in the Realms, to see so many new stories waiting to be told. I think there is something special about being able to see the first in what I hope will be many installments in a new plot that features some older Realms traditions, in this case, the traditions of Teng Hua. I’m excited to be immersed throughout the event and see how the staff blends the menu, the decor, and the traditions of this Realms culture together to create a holistic experience for us.

3. The Friends: As I glanced over the pre-reg list, I’m genuinely excited to see that there is a great mix of friends to visit this weekend. I’m excited that I’ll get to sit in the feast hall with my fellow Rhiassans, but I’m also genuinely looking forward to the opportunity to catch up with others throughout the Realms that I simply don’t see often enough. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to enjoy a peaceful, celebratory feast with lots and lots of friends.

Hey, I know you’re probably reading this and thinking, “I wish I had gotten on this pre-reg list.” And the thing is, I wish you had too. So, do us all a favor--join me next time, won’t you? This is an event series I’m planning on being a part of for years to come and you should too.