
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Why I Want to Go-Off the Hook

by Lani "Gwen" Jones

The Ashenmark Event Team, fresh off of an epic conclusion to the Imperium plotline, have tasked themselves with putting together a very different type of questing event that I am genuinely looking forward to participating in this weekend. A lot of work has gone on behind the scenes to provide the Realms with a lighthearted and fun questing event that I’m positive will live in our memories for a very long time. (I’m also very interested to know how the staff will put to use that Rhiassa tabbard that I loaned them a couple of weeks ago.)

In homage to an event that I’ve only heard tell of, Off the Hook will play to our senses of humor and our need to quest our way to some serious silliness. If you haven’t had the opportunity to see Salty Fishcakes’ breaking news announcement on the Realms Network Network, then do yourself a favor and watch it now. I for one am excited to head into the depths of Pacifica to help defeat the Fish King and laugh myself silly with my friends along the way.

The Ashenmark team has definitely made a believer out of me after years of enjoying their plotlines, mechanics, and snaaaaaacks. I have good reason to believe that this event, while a departure from some of their past plotlines, will absolutely not disappoint. You’ll regret not coming in some capacity, because I think a lot of long-standing jokes and memes are about to drop this weekend. Do yourself a favor and pre-reg, or reach out to the staff to see how you can help, because you should for sure make an effort to be there this Saturday.