
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Creathorne Clean Up What You Missed

Photos and write-up by Becky "Naralia" Garbos

This weekend I went to Creathorne Spring Clean-Up. I actually look forward to going to clean-up every year. It’s a weekend where we get together outside of an actual event to give back to our community and enjoy each other's company. This year was no different.

On Friday night, with a small handful of people, work started in the Tavern. Major changes are happening in there. The bar has been removed. This has been a dead, useless space for some time now. Taking out the bar and leveling the dirt floor there has opened up the whole building. We will be adding at least two tables for even more seating for people inside.

On Saturday, the majority of people arrived and work got underway in earnest. This is when we really open up the site. Mowing of all the fields, cutting of trees and brush, raking up the tenting areas. Areas were opened up some more. Paths were cleaned up and made safer. In the kitchen area, we cleaned, organized, and took an inventory. Picnic tables were repaired and some rebuilt. All in preparation for the upcoming eventing season.

It’s not all work and no play either. In the evenings, when the day's work is done, there is time to sit and relax and enjoy each others company. This year we celebrated the moms who gave up their weekend to help us by giving them each a flower. And in honor of an 18th birthday, we had cupcakes.

I feel this is an extremely important weekend which is why I always want to go. Hundreds of people in our community use this site all summer long. Nothing on site can really happen without the help and hard work of the handful of folks we get every year. We are greatly appreciative of everyone that takes the time to come and help.