
Friday, May 10, 2019

Rumors for May 1019

[Across the Realms]

(For those who are of the lycanthrope persuasion, secret or not) On April 19th, the Full Pink Moon (also known as Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and the Fish Moon), were-creatures of many persuasions found themselves dining more on eggs, chicken, and fish than what is usually considered healthy; many a village across the Realms reported some whole catches or collections going missing over-night with minor scratches or fumbled damage.
More and more people are being re-introduced to the humanoid race called the Gema (JEM-ah), as trading is their business and know-how. They are usually bedecked in accessories and jewelry of many types, however more startling is the placement of a solid jewel on the forehead, or on the back of the hand (for example). Not much more information has been found to go on yet.
In every section of the Realms, areas where magic is most common have been buzzing with an odd feeling. Whether dark or good these energies may or may not affect lesser beings such as townsfolk, guards, and even some travellers just passing through.
Areas affected by a high concetration of magic, such as practice fields, magic towers, battlefields, portals and so on, may have started to develop affects on those who frequent the area. For good magics such as healing, divine sights and protection some may feel stronger, untouchable, immortal even and may seek to "purge" or "cleanse" the land.
For darker magics such as necromancy, poisons and inflicting harm they may feel sick, mutate into something or perhaps feel the urge to kill. Both sides are merely influences, side effects to something going on in the background. These affects go mostly unnoticed but for those with the insight to see what may be going on, there is talk of a Fey with "Swirled Eyes" who may know how to fix this.


A drunkard was turned over to the militia to sober up, but it oddly took three days for him to do so. He blubbered and snored and had odd fits of conversation with the cell walls, the most notable statements were: "The Strangers are Coming." "Meadow Crossing: building a better warrior since 980!" and "It was on October 27th, 990 that Prince Robert the Second left this mortal coil. And where does the fault lie? WHERE DOES THE FAULT LIE?"
 It has been 21 years since Chimeron was invaded by the forces of the Nameless One. The Queen was kidnapped by the Nameless One after her wedding to Sir Callin of Folkestone, then. The County of Cawdyll was completely destroyed, as was Chimeron Castle, and Chimeron Town. Blackwater and Qua Terreth Nuuna were also sacked yet saved through Heroic effort. A new castle for Chimeron was erected, and little more than a week later the Nameless One's gate and her will to fight had been shattered. Baron Diamond of the Barony of Banecroft, Sir Shane of Curaidh of the land of Cawdyll, McKrye of Clan McKrye, and Sir Peregrin were among the few notable ones to gain victory against the Citadel and secure a better peace for Chimeron. This was during the reign of Queen Margurite, also known as Meg Quickfists, the Battling Barmaid, cousin to Oliver of Chimeron. The rumor, though, as the stories are retold and retold again: what actually happened to that gate?
Several months have passed since the mysterious murders throughout Chimeron City ended. As a result, the curfew in the city had been lifted and Militia patrols had returned to normal levels. However, shortly after sunset on the Fourth of May, alarm bells once again rang throughout the garrison sounding a general call-to-arms. Rekees of the Azure Guard has been kidnapped by agents of The Strangers, and by King Cecil’s command, Captain Orion ordered the guards at every entrance to the City to be doubled and assigned patrols to every known magical soft spot in the area. While the starperson-captain’s expression continues to be hard to read, those who know him well can see the tension in his eyes.

[Eagle’s Rook]

A large memorial banner has been hung from the top spire, known as the Commander's Tower, of navy blue and rust, sporting the colors connected to the late Sir Vawn Coupant. Various smaller and simple ones can be found hanging in a window there, attached to a tree here. The people quietly mourn their leader and their country-folk also lost to the Summerlands, yet proudly tell the stories of the how and the why of it all.


Seems there a new cult that is fast spreading around najenna worshiping something called the one true bones.

[Unclaimed Lands]

A small nondescript village in unclaimed territory, near to the remains of Brandon's Pass in the south, are causing a bit of a stir at their good fortune: when raising a barn they dug up a brightly colored 'stick' that seems to cheer people within a certain closeness to it. It's residing with the family whose barn is about to be raised, and bears odd symbols that glitter with ivory and gold.
On the Road, between Fey Reach ruins and Lhenrok ruins: goblinoid activity is being noted back and forth in greater numbers than usual, and merchants and other travelers are encouraged to perhaps consider hiring an adventurer or three to keep traveling groups safe from the green menace.