
Monday, June 10, 2019

Meme Mondays (Special Announcement Edition)

by the Meme Team

The View is pleased to announce the return of Madam Zarine, taking on a most important and arduous task - dispensing advice to the good people of the Realms! You heard that right - Madam Zarine is here to answer your every question with her trademark brand of wit and whimsy. Do you have a burning question for our friendly resident agony aunt? Don't be shy! Send them our way and receive a personal response from Zarine - right here in our pages! Need advice on life issues? Zarine has you covered! From questions on garb to questions of the heart, and everything in between - we want to hear from you! Don't make Zarine have to talk to herself - send us your questions today!

[Editor's Note: questions can be emailed to]