
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Shiho Game from Feast of Teng Hua

by Zach Senchuk

Shiho can be played with 7 Players (1 per element)

Shown are Void, Wood, Metal, Fire, Earth, Wind and Water

Every player will get 9 tiles. 3 of each “level” (1 dot, 2 dot and 3 dot tiles)

The goal of the game is to get 4 in a line. This line doesn’t have to be straight, but must be able to be drawn from one tile to the next without backtracking.

Play is set up in 2 Phases:

Phase 1: Players go around taking turns playing 1 tile with the following rules; 1 dot tiles can be played anywhere on a blank square of the board; 2 dot tiles can be played on any color 1 dot tile; 3 dot tiles can be played on any color 2 dot tile. This will continue around the circle until there is a winner (someone can draw a line connecting 4 of their tiles that are on top) or until phase 2 beings.

Phase 2: This phase starts as soon as the first player cannot make a legal move by placing a tile. After Phase 2 begins every player (including the player who initiates phase 2) may -either- place a tile -or- pick up one of the top tiles of their color. If a tile is taken that would result in another player winning then the game immediately ends.

An important part of the game (and unfortunately one that I failed on when making this set!) is that the tile underneath cannot be seen when a different tile is on top of it. This creates a memory component to the game that wasn’t able to be enjoyed at Teng Hua. Thank you to everyone who participated at the Feast of Teng Hua.