
Friday, July 5, 2019

Rumors for July 1019

[Across the Realms]

With the summer heat comes a strange occurance, all throughout the realms odd fireflies have been showing up atracted to any campfires or lanterns. They create a strange jingling sound, almost like wind chimes, and leave a glittering trail behind them like fire embers. These fireflies are being popular called Fire Dancers. As the months go by their numbers are increasing and they seem oddly attracted to those who play music. They even bob and sway to the beat.
It is said that a creature of many black feathers has use of them and is willing to offer valuable trade.


Some residents of Eroewan in the vicinity of Tut-Tuts Deep have been complaining about bright light at night emanating from Sir Seeker's home.
Great numbers of Blackwood Men and allied forces seen moving into the tunnel openings at Steward Fenrys Jainrose’s command. No sightings of Meenlocks or Flayers above ground have been reported since the Siege. The Flayers have all but disappeared even in the tunnels. The mission success rate of our raids have quadrupled.
The Villages of Eroewan are seeing their villages re-erected in record speed due to the outpouring of support from the fellow lords of Blackwoods and, again, allied forces.
A well armored man dressed in red and emblazoned in skulls was overheard speaking with a cloaked figure about summoning some demons. He said it would really be the life of the party.


Construction seems to be nearing completion on a new Tavern. Want ads have been seen hiring help. Trent has been seen directing the construction and recently ordered a sign "The Thirsty Wolf". The building really stands out as it's walls and roof are bright red.