
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Why I Want to Go--Feast of Folkestone and Folkestone Questing

by Lani "Gwen" Jones

Feast of Folkestone and Folkestone Questing are staple events in the Realms calendar--I’m guessing most of you don’t need me to tell you this. What I would like to highlight is that it can be easy to stick with old formats, leaving even our most staple events feeling a little deja vu-y--and I love, love, love, that this event holding team continues to challenge themselves to throw an event that feels new and different from year to year. I am so excited to see what the team has up their sleeve for this weekend based off of all the hints they’ve shared so far. On that note, I would like to present my excitement in my favorite way--a 3 part list!

1. New Plot: I’ve had the opportunity to attend two events in Teng Hua so far and what I’ve felt about both of them is that there is a dedication to telling (and helping us to tell) an epic story. It is clear that this is a rich world open for exploring, with people to help, problems to solve, but most importantly the team has successfully made this plot and these lands feel very real to the players, which is no small feat.

2. New Mechanics: I love the idea that this event will feature both small group encounters, as well as bringing back an open world adventure. The dedication to creating a fully immersive environment is exciting, and I know that the Realms (and Teng Hua) will be better for it. In particular I love that the team is finding ways for everyone to engage with the magic and lore of the land by providing opportunities for all character classes to learn and explore this “foreign” nation. When trying new mechanics it is crucial to think through how to ensure that all players can have fun, and based off of the clearly explained mechanics such as “High Risk” encounters, I believe that this team will knock the new format out of the park. They’ve asked us to bear with them, but honestly, I couldn’t be more excited, and I bet you are too!

3. Old Traditions: With any hallmark event in the Realms, change is fun and interesting. But there are just some things you come to love and expect at such an event. I’m happy that the team is keeping with some traditions that I look forward to every Labor Day weekend such as an epic feast with great food, the auction, and the ability to explore an event site that just might be one of my favorites of all time. Coming to Feast of Folkestone and Folkestone Questing is sort of like coming home and I look forward to seeing everyone there!