
Thursday, October 10, 2019

Why I Want to Go-Ashenbounty VIII

by Lani "Gwen" Jones

Ashenbounty has been one of my all-time favorite event series to play at, and I’m so excited to be able to attend their 8th?!?!? iteration this weekend. The spirit is moving me to describe my excitement in a classic three part list, so please enjoy.

1. The Immersion. It’s not often that an epic series wraps up, and then you STILL get to engage with a world that you know and love being a part of. But this year at Ashenbounty, we’ve been called back once more by King Skyros of Pacifica to explore worlds unknown based off of our success last fall. I’m super excited to heed the call and see what this new part of the world has to offer, while still keeping in touch with our old friends that we’ve aided for so long.

2. The Mechanics. Ironic after immersion, but one of the things that makes the Ashenbounty series so engaging is that they are constantly creating clever challenges for us to solve. This ensures lots of laughter, some head-scratching, and the need to work together as a team to find the solution. I also prefer that many of these mechanics have involved both plants and googly eyes in the past, but that may have just been a fluke…

3. The Food. If you didn’t see this one coming, then you’ve clearly never opened one of these posts before. As someone who prides herself on being a part of just about every kitchen in the Realms, I can tell you that the food at Ashenbounty is not to be missed. Some of my fondest memories of this event have been catching up with old friends while feverishly stuffing my face with the types of foods that make it nigh impossible to put down your silverware.

This is genuinely one of my can’t-miss events of the year, and I hope I’ll see you there for the reasons listed above, and many more. I don’t know exactly what this team has in store, but I know I’m going to enjoy it, and so will you.